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I was listening to Lucinda Williams song "Essence" on the way into work, and while it's an amazing song in its own twisted way, and I have to admit that I really like it because it just throbs sexual energy, the male reaction to it has always mystified me.


I don't know if many of you listen to Lu, but I think of her as a southern gothic rock/folk/blues/alt country singer. She's just difficult to categorize. Her voice isn't very pretty, but her lyrics are so raw and real that they bleed. Her dad is Miller Williams, a nationally-known poet who read a poem at William Jefferson Clinton's* first inaguration. Lucinda hasn't exactly led a simple and idyllic life. Jesus Christ she has terrible taste in men, and I'm not sure that being happy and just a little bit content doesn't make her really really nervous, she's obsessive-compulsive about her music and apparently can be a real bitch to work with. But there's no one quite like her.


She also has a certain physical appeal, in this hot mama biker chick sort of way. (She's even older than me, but I've seen some pretty young guys get worked up over her, so go figure.) Lots of sulky surly attitude with a distinct vulnerability. Gets 'em every time.


So her song "Essence" is about a really obsessive stalker chick who wants her man and follows him all over the fucking place. And she wants him now, forever, and all the time, in a very twisted and addicted sort of way. ("shoot your love into my veins," "please come find me and help me get fucked up....") Printing the lyrics does not do justice to the song -- you have to listen to it. Her vocals, the guitars, the drums, the throb.


I've seen Lu in concert twice, both times in a smallish theater/club, because Lu likes it that way. When the guitars kick into the opening bars of "Essence," men rush the stage like bull elephants chasing cows in heat, bellowing "LU! LU! YEAH! LU!!"


I was aghast. I've always thought that the attraction to sick assholes who would make your life a living hell was a primarily female trait. Silly, silly me! I saw a small herd of goofballs who apparently have a fantasy that it would be cool to be stalked by a woman as hot as Lucinda Williams. Yeah, right fellows. Maybe it might be kind of cool to have it happen once. But that sort of shit doesn't happen once, and the boys would get mighty tired of it. Besides, women like Lu don't need to stalk men; they're too busy hiding from their stalkers and feeling miserable because they're in love with the one man in the world who doesn't know that they're alive.


We humans, we're such perverse, perverse creatures!




*It made me happy just to write out his whole name. It made me feel better just to think about him. You may have been an old poon-hound, Bill, but I miss you as President. A lot.

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Old Poon Hound! HA! Love it!


But in regards to stalking...I always sort of joke about it, how I'd just love to have a stalker to call my very own. (That's sort of how The Man was, when we first started talking, but that's another story entirely...)

Someone who obsessed over you day and night, who peeks through your window, who cuts your name into their ankle, who collects your peeled off magazine labels from your garbage...it all sounds very romantic doesn't it?


Well at one time it did. Now that I am older I realise that is just sick. And creepy.

Sick and creepy. I think I had a point, but I've now forgotten it. Boo to stalkers, to people who make you feel helpless and victimized. Not at all romantic. YUCK.

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Isn't the term "poon-hound" just so fitting for some men? It's the kind of guy, like William Jefferson Clinton, who you know is just that way, but you still have to like 'em. They should know better, but they just can't help themselves when they mosey over and hump your leg.


And they are never the stalkers! They cheerfully move on to another humpee.


Edited again for spelling. Earlier, I was blaming my lack of attention to spelling on my dislike of Sark, but I don't have that excuse over here. This time I was either subconsciously aroused by the thought of Bill Clinton humping my leg (?!?!) or I simply can't spell today.

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Oh dear. Now I've got my imaginary William Jefferson Clinton (wow, that does make me tingle just saying it) voice crooning in the back of my head: "Ah couldn't help it, y'know. After all, I'm just a crazy ol' poon hound, ma'am." One part aw-shucks, one part pick-up-line, all swirled together with a Southern swizzle stick. :P


I suppose all us angsty/gothic types romanticize stalking at some point. What higher kind of twisted devotion is there than the one where you completely lose yourself in the charisma of another? It took one very slight brush with stalkerdom (an online acquaintance looked up my phone number and called me out of the blue when I wasn't quick to answer an email) for me to kill all romantic notions of the practice, though.


That was just creepy.


ETA: Poon hound. Hee!

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Oh dear. Now I've got my imaginary William Jefferson Clinton (wow, that does make me tingle just saying it) voice crooning in the back of my head: "Ah couldn't help it, y'know. After all, I'm just a crazy ol' poon hound, ma'am." One part aw-shucks, one part pick-up-line, all swirled together with a Southern swizzle stick. :(




:( :( :P

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