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BPAL Madness!
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Ok, so the other 2 posts are from March and I just never made them "public" because I'm a fool when it comes to learnin the whole bloggin' craziness. Thanks to Babylon for clueing me rusty brain into how things work.. :P

Atlanta went really really well, my niece Alyvia is the sweetest girl evah..and she has our family's touch of offbeat humor & her laugh is near identical to mine which kinda freaked everyone out! :P She is flying here for the summer in early June and leaving in late August..so we'll have alot of time to hang out & be nutty once again! :P I will try to post some pics sometime soon..she's a doll! hehe


Other night @ work(i'm a CNA) they stuck me on a unit that I've never been on before..an all male unit & they were all sexual deviants or extremely aggressive in general. It was a NIGHTMARE and i was scared for my life. Why the FUCK did they stick two girls (the other girl had never been on the unit either) on a unit w/ no explanation or w/ any idea as to how these men were...?! We have no training in dealing w/ outright sexual comments or physical aggression. I know basic self defense and could defend myself pretty well against one man..but what about 2 or 3 @ one time? UGH!!! I was so irrate..i called the shift scheduler and asked why the FUCK we were there to begin with and she simply said " we didnt have a choice..the regulars on that unit called in sick.." and went on with some other lame ass excuses. I told her i was reporting her ass for endangering not only us but the residents as well cuz we are not trained to work such a unit.

Mind you, I'm a regular on an Alzheimers unit in the building ACROSS the street and they dragged my ass over there..it was like WHOA..where the HELL did I just transport to? My unit is so calm (mostly) and non aggressive..i watch out for the residents and things are pretty happy & peaceful. Well this unit was like walking into Hell itself..you could feel it in the air..the sexual tension was so thick you coulda spread it on your toast. :ugh: First thing I get bombarded by sexual commentary "Hey, you're looking good sweetheart..come here..i wanna show you something in my room! It will only take a second..c;mon!" *HEEBIE JEEBIES* Holy fuck. I finally get down to the nurses office and lock the door behind me..the other girl is standing there and is like "What the hell are they thinking putting us on this unit?! OMG. what are we gonna do?" So all night long we went everywhere together and did cares on only the men we felt wouldnt attack us. We got spit on..cursed at and grabbed at..thankfully noone successfully grabbed us or pinned us down. It was so bad that we had to lock ourselves into the unit station for a half hour while some guy pummeled the door and demanded that we wash him up because we are whores and thats our job to wash his privates. GAAAAAH!!! So i opened up the upper half of the door and told him quite bluntly "Yer going to the Green room, "Hannibal"..how do you feel about that?! And if it was up to me you'd be there for eternity!!" I then proceeded to call Mr. Green (padded room) and he was whisked away. Ahhh.. one down..who's next?! LOL (I call him Hannibal cuz he looked like Hannibal Lecters clone..*shudders*)

Anyhoo..to sum it up..it was frightening and I'm not a chicken shit kinda girl..i've dealt w/ lots of physical/verbal aggression but not like that..on that kinda level. I have reported the proper people and I'm praying nothing ever happens like that to anyone ever again. <le sigh>

Time for some Melatonin & a cuppa..and hopefully some pleasant dreams ;)


Listening to: Ryan Adams "Cold Roses"

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I hope you never have to go back to that place.... Can't believe they made you guys do that!! :( :P They should give you hazard pay or something for that shift, but that wouldn't even make up for it.

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