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Switch Witch Ketchup Autumn '08

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Favorite animals - domestic cats, Tigers, otters, crows, ravens

Caramels or unusual chocolate - yes please!! delicate_fangs sent me some Fleur de Sel caramels in the Winter Round & they were divine ;) I also took part in the chocolate swap & discovered that not only do I like chili & chocolate, especially if there's other spices like cinnamon involved but that I just really like chocolate of all kinds :lol: A lot.

Munsters vs Addams family Both! I watched the Munsters religiously as a child but also really enjoy the Addams family cartoons

Tea stuff I love it but don't necessarily need any more

Pet treats & toys The kitties are crazy about catnip anything & would probably have fun with those feather on a bendy stick things

Birthdays I like to keep things mellow & usually request my Mum to take me out for lunch & my DH to take me out for dinner (so basically, I have a plan to eat all day long)

Tarts? I don't have a burner so I haven't tried any but I'd be game

Burned CD's/DVDs? Sure!


What one (or two, if you really must) BPAL bottles are you most longing for? I'd love to find a bottle of Autumn (Salon), Devil's Night

If you could have dinner/drinks/coffee with any 3 living people that are not your family/friends already, who would they be-? Jane Yolen, Neil Gaiman & Charles deLint


If you could bring back any TV show from cancellation what would it be? Angel, Dresden Files

I wonder if my witchee would like a blanket type thing. Would you? I'm all set for blankies, thanks

What's your favorite "I know it's bad for me but I can't help myself" treat? potato chips, chocolate, cinnamon buns/croissants & I'm always game for pizza

Very important question: Are you planning on buying anything off your BPAL and/or other wishlists during the round? I may buy Lunacies or specials if they appeal but will always let Witchy know (I've ordered Lilith Victoria & Lady Lilith)

Do you wear a watch? If so, what kind/style? I need a new watch, actually - I usually go for a silver face & black strap but would love to find something black & purple or with a picture on the dial or something kind of gothy for a change. Perhaps my witch could point me toward a retailer?

How do you feel about having a donation made in your name to something?If you like that idea, what types of organizations/groups would you want the donation to go to? Grand idea! So many good causes - I'd let my Witchy choose.


What is your favorite art movement and/or style? ie impressionist, surrealist, art nouveau, etc. I'm very fond of art nouveau & the Pre-Raphaelites

Do you have a case for your mp3 player/digital camera? If you would want one, what size is your digital device? I'm already covered

For tea drinkers, do you bag it or prefer loose bag usually but I have strainers if need be

Does the weather change where you are, as in, does it get cold in the winter? Anyone need homegrown scarves, hats, mittens, etc? Absolutely!

Who are your forum buddies? People you know well enough online or IRL to help your Witch pick out stuff for you? I think my previous Switch Witches (JennyGardener & delicate_fangs) would be good for advice since they sent excellent prezzies in earlier rounds. IRL, I've had coffee a few times with Ishtar


My questionnaire is chock-a-block with ideas for Witching me on the cheap, and without sending "stuff for stuff's sake". And I just came up with another one--make me a Pandora, Finetune, or Last.fm station you think I might like! What manner of affordable Witchery might you covet? I'd like almost anything

Does your cell phone have a place to attach charms? no

If you drink coffee (and make it yourself) do you use a French Press, regular filter basket coffee maker, Espresso Machine, Percolator? cone-shaped filter

What movie soundtracks (or scores) do you love? I'd love to find the one for Grossepoint Blank

How do you scent yourself? Do you layer soaps, moisturizers, etc. or do you go straight to slathering your bod with BPAL? I like to use complimentary soaps & lotions & often put BPAL in unscented lotion

Do you/how do you scent your world? Candles, incense, diffusers, potpourri? None of the above?Candles & occasionally incense

BPAL is such a scent-ual experience. What are your other tactile, aural, or olfactory pleasures? I love velvet & chenille scarves/garments, the feel & smell of fresh washed bedding & have mostly fragrant plants in my garden


How do people feel about receiving baked goods/kits to make said goods? Or other cooking items? Would you enjoy oil or vinegar flavored with herbs grown at home? Strange and exotic spices with recipes to try? Cookies made with carnation petals? Yes, to all of the above

What are your pet's names, and what are they named for? Our two black cats, Pamplemousse & Maximillian, have names chosen just because we liked the sound (my husband named the grapefruit & she's regal looking but quite goofy so it fits). The grey & white cat, Grendel, is a fighter & bully so naming him after Beowulf's monster was appropriate.


Who here is a complete, over the top, Alice In Wonderland fanatic? I'm quite fond of the book & illustrations (but not the Tea Party scents, unfortunately). That tea set someone linked to was great!

Are you a Trekkie? If so, which series do you prefer? Do you have a favorite character? Somewhat, my favorite series were DS9 & Voyager but favorite characters are Spock & Picard (with a girl crush on Sevenofnine)

Do you have phobias? heights, flying, driving, crossing big bridges, maggots

How do you like your mix CDs? Random? Stuff you know you'll like? Either

Would you rather get food or jewellery? Both are very desirable

Do you like children's toys, such as jacks, those little things you tilt around to get the ball in the right hold (wtf are those called?), the aforementioned caplet dinosaurs, cap guns, etc? I have a great fondness for wind-up toys (tin or otherwise)

English candy/tea/marmite or other stuff that you love and can't easily get outside of England? violet or blackcurrant flavoured candy

Fanfic as a gift* - yay or nay? Your fandom? Slash preferences?*well, a virtual gift obviously. You know what I mean. Sure! I'd prefer it to be somewhat humorous, though. Harry Potter, Buffy, Star Trek, LOTR, Lovecraft

Any beaders here? Need beading supplies? small children = not currently beading

Do you like making up your SW packages around a theme, or prefer to mix it all up? sometimes themed, more often a mix

Band-aids: do you like the fun and funky ones? Very much!

What's the scariest thing that's ever happened to you? an inexperienced doctor led me to believe I might have cervical cancer (fortunately it was nothing)



What is everyone's favorite Halloween song?! I loved the Monster Mash as a kid, also This is Halloween from Nightmare Before Christmas

How many of mah fellow witchies play video games? Platform? Do you like used games?

What kind of music (genres, please) do you like? 60's rock, world music, grunge

Have any of you ever received a book from a Witchy and loved it so much you ended up buying a copy for a later Witchee? I've received several nice books but haven't bought more copies, yet

What kinds of eye shadows do we all like? sparkly/opalescent mineral - searching for a great mauve/lilac/purple, also like copper, teal & smokey blue (I have blue-grey eyes)

Do you like lip balm? If so, do you like tinted, glossy, sparkly, pearly or just plain lip balm? tinted in plum or anything really (not huge fan of peppermint flavored)

What are some of the SW gifts/finds from past rounds (or you can just name a gift in general that you found for someone if this is your first round!) that you are the most proud of in terms of your sleuthing skills?

And, secondly, what is something you've been searching for but just can't find? Jill Thompson's Scary Godmother t-shirt or magnets


Do you knit/crochet? Do you need any supplies? - nope

Who here has an etsy shop? not me

What are your two favorite etsy shops?

Are you active on any other boards/forums? If so please specify where and your username there. - I only use Live Journal for the decant circles.


What would you tell yourself 6 months in the past about 2008 so far? it won't be too bad but hire someone to complete some of those household projects you've been asking DH to do & save yourself a lot of aggravation

If you had one minute of fame, what would you do/say in the spotlight? I would probably turn bright red & mutter something incoherent

Robots versus zombies: who wins? Mr Roboto

What would zombie say? Brains!

Where are a few of your favorite places? rocky beaches by the ocean, woods with lots of evergreens, Rome, San Francisco

Out of curiosity, all the fall babies who are celebrating their birthdays during the round - who are you, and when is your bday? N/A

What is one (only one) object that you collect, that totally goes against your personality or beliefs? can't think of anything

Are you a soap addict? Anything you like to avoid in soaps (goat's milk, lye, dyes, etc...) or any particular scents you like or brands you want to try? - Addict? Oh Yes -see SW Help wishlist

Do you like kilts and would you wear one? - like but wouldn't wear

BoiWitches? Question for you both.....Hath any of thou own a Kilt?

What's your favorite book? can't have just one!

What size socks do you wear? How about hat size? I have large feet (10) & a big head (22 in)

Do you read comics? Which ones do you love and which can't you stand? Sandman, Books of Magic, Castle Waiting, Courtney Crumrin, Scary Godmother - don't care for Manga

Symbols that are meaningful to me? crescent moon, ourobouros, world tree, leaves

By nature are you a morning lark or a night owl? more a middle of the day person

What's your favorite type of music to hear live Celtic

Favorite Seasonal Drinks- cider & pumpkin lattes, I also crave spicier tea than usual


Crossword puzzles? Other pencil puzzles? I like doing crosswords occasionally

Favorite artist? modern: Ursula Vernon (Beelzebear,Elder Clean, Wolf & Fireflies) James Christensen

Favorite poet? Mary Oliver

Halloween. Do you like it kooky or creepy? - Both

Reserved or Raunchy? - Both, it depends on the company

Earth, Wind, Fire or Water? - Earth

Tea or Coffee in the morning? - It used to be tea but after having kids it's strong coffee

Fruity snacks or chocolate? - Both & together

Would you accept art? -Yes!

Antiques or Brand New? - Both with slight preference for antique

What keywords do you use when searching for items for yourself on Etsy? I usually just browse the newly added section

Are there any of y'all who are allergic/sensitive to having natural fibers on your skin? - Angora/mohair gets in my eyes

What was your favorite ghost/scary/campfire story growing up? the Hitchhiker one

Bugs? Do you like 'em or not? I do, except maggots squick me out

i haz no imp storage. do you? Kinda but it's nothing fancy


If you have a garden/planter box, what do you grow? lots of herbs, zucchini, heirloom tomatoes, roses, dahlias, poppies & many nice smelling perennials

What incense scents do you prefer? Shoyeido for the win! cinnamony sandalwood & patchouli

Do you decorate for Halloween? What sort of decorations? Dress up for Halloween? decorate with pumpkins & lights mostly, some years I dress up & others I don't

Bats, cats, skeletons, monsters, vampires, witches or what other ghoulies do you prefer? black cats, witches & skeletal trees are my favorites & I have a soft spot for Cthulhu

Do you like horror flicks? I love Vincent Price but not modern horror

Who here prefers stylus and ink to ballpoint? Anyone invested time and effort into calligraphy or proper Victorian writing? no

What about stationery? Need some? What styles do you like? I like pretty patterned paper


What is one item that you've wanted forever, could have afforded, but have never gotten and why (haven't you gotten it!)?Hmm...there's a few things listed on my sw help list

What Halloween scent are you most looking forward to? - The Pumpkins & Fearful Pleasure (I have decants of the Pumpkins & bottles of Samhain & Fearful Pleasure on the way)

Tattoos! Do you have em? Do you want em? Whatcha got or getting? - I've been contemplating getting one for 20 years but can't commit to a design

Reduce - REUSE - recycle. Do others feel the same? - Yes

What is your favorite crafting supply? I like making cards so blank cards/envelopes in different colours & hole punches in fun shapes

Weigh in...Are you right or left-handed? - Lefty

Any period of time that you love? ancient Greece, ancient China, Middle Ages, Regency & Fin de Siecle


What's your favorite part about Fall? - the smell, crunchy leaves, heirloom apple varieties

Do you like office/school supplies? If so, what is your favorites?- fun pens, notepads, sticky notes

What's your favorite Halloween candy? - little chocolate bars. I hate candy corn & molasses taffy, but am curious about the seasonal Hershey kisses.

Will you be participating NaNoWriMo? If so, is there anything you'd like to have for that? - nope, not taking part


Where does everyone like shop for witching goodness? Etsy, local shops

What is your favorite pumpkin goodness? - Soup, roasted seeds, bread & pie as well as BPAL's Pumpkin Patch #1 & #4 (2005/06) & Pumpkin Queen.

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