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BPAL Madness!
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I'm here - promise!

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If you're looking me up to make sure I'm still breathing - I am!


I was mopping the floor 2 Sundays ago - and started having trouble breathing and began experiencing chest pains - the next thing I knew, I was in an ambulance - my roommate said I collapsed. I was kept in the hospital for 4 days and was told that my tests were "unremarkable" so I'm hoping that's a good thing (hehe) They are thinking acid reflux induced or exercise induced asthma.


A day after I finally escaped the hospital, my mom inadvertently gave me a virus that she had contracted from one her friends - so I've been in bed since and back in the hospital over the weekend when my fever hit 103 and my eyeballs felt like they were on fire - I'm still fighting a sore throat, chest congestion, fatigue, ear pain, stomach pain, sinus headache, and an uncontrollable cough - I'm all caught up on packages except for one special one to the Netherlands (you know who you are...grin) - but horribly behind on messages - it's going to take me awhile to get caught up on everything!


I just want to update anyone looking for me - if I owe you feedback or anything else - please contact me! My personal e-mail is wendyrhill AT hotmail DOT COM.

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