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Switch Witchery

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Hi Witch!


Here are all the answers to the questions in the thread. All in one place to make things a wee bit easier for you!


Love your witchee,



And here are the questions!


Where does everyone like shop for witching goodness? This is my first round, but, I anticipate that I will shop at various Etsy retailers and other etailers. I travel internationally a lot for work, so, I plan on hitting market stalls pretty much anywhere I go. I might have purchased one item on my last trip for my as yet unknown witchee. I couldn't help myself.

What is your favorite pumpkin goodness? Cookies! I also love pumpkin doughnuts that the local bakery in my town in Massachusetts used to make. Completely drool worthy. Pumpkin bread is a sure winner as well! Especially warm pumpkin bread drizzled with honey. Also, every year, I roast pumpkin seeds. I make two varieties: spicy and sugared. Mmmmmmmm...

What is your favorite part about fall? The leaves and breaking out my cold weather clothing. I always dress better in the fall. My other favorite thing is spiced apple cider (can you get that in England?)

Do you like office/school supplies? If so, what is your favorites? I love paper. All kinds of paper. And cute folders. :) And fun notecards and stationary. And pens.

What is your favorite Halloween candy? I love the pumpkin candy. Like candy corn, but, pumpkin shaped. Really, any Halloween candy is good. You can't find it in the UK and I will totally have Halloween candy withdrawal this year.

Right or left-handed? I can use both hands, but, tend to write with my right and eat with my left.

Any period of time that you love? My degree is in medieval studies, so, anything medieval. I also love Roman and Celtic eras. I am a little too obsessed with Tudor England, but, I love the characters involved. Amazing personalities. I also have an obsession with anything Eleanor of Aquitaine, Christine de Pizan, Katherine Swynford, and Chaucer related. And a decidedly unhealthy obsession with Elizabeth I.

What is your favorite crafting supply? Amazing fabric! I love different types of patterns, weights, etc.

Reduce - REUSE - recycle. Do others feel the same? Yes, very much so. I have so much stuff that I have found while trolling through thrift stores. It takes ages, but, you can find some real gems. I am also a recycling fiend. I have so many linen and hemp bags for shopping, that it is embarrassing.

Tattoos! Do you have em? Do you want em? Whatcha got or getting? Not yet, but, I am working on something quite nifty.

What about the Halloween scents? I will be putting in a rather large order along with my last bottles of CD (only two) back-ups. I plan on ordering: Blade of Grass, Autumn Coolness, Mictecacihuatl, Sugar Skull, To Autumn, Day of Skulls, and Katrina Von Tassel. I really want Ichabod and a couple of others, but, I must show a bit of restraint. Also, no matter how much I swoon over something, there will be no back-up bottles. I have to be a good little girl even if I don't want to be.

What is one item that you've wanted forever, could have afforded, but have never gotten and why (haven't you gotten it!)? There are loads of these, but, the one that stands out was a complete tea set. It was gorgeous hand-thrown pottery and had a leaf theme. Sigh. I am still kicking myself over that.

Who here prefers stylus and ink to ballpoint? Anyone invested time and effort into calligraphy or proper Victorian writing?What about stationery? Need some? What styles do you like? I love stylus and ink! I dabbled in calligraphy a few years ago. I really enjoyed it, but, haven't had the time (or a good set up) to work more on it. I would love stationary! I like things that look old and fancy.

Do you decorate for Halloween? what sort of decorations? Dress up for Halloween? Every year! My friends in the states would have an annual Halloween party. This year, I won't be because it is rather hard to find decorations in England. It isn't such a big thing here.

Bats, cats, skeletons, monsters, vampires, witches or what other ghoulies do you prefer? I like skeletons and vampires.Do you like horror flicks? Dario Argento made some pretty cool ones, but, on the whole, I am not a horror film person.

Incense scents Woody scents. Spicy scents. Really, I just love incense!

How is your bottle/imp storage situation? Pretty good! Although, I love using lovely wooden boxes to keep jewelry and other bits. I have a carved wooden box obsession.

What was your favorite ghost/scary/campfire story growing up? The Legend of Sleepy Hollow. My grandfather told the story so well! It was CREEPY when he told it.

Bugs? Dragonflies are awesome. As are lady bugs and butterflies.

What keywords do you use when searching for items for yourself on Etsy? Handbags, leaf, tree, silver, hedgehog, dog, paper, journal, pottery, pendant

Fiber allergies? none

Halloween. Do you like it kooky or creepy? Kooky

Reserved or Raunchy? Raunchy

Earth, Wind, Fire or Water? Earth

Tea or Coffee in the morning? Always tea.

Fruity snacks or chocolate? I like both. Dark chocolate makes me swoon, though.

Antiques or Brand New? Antiques!

Would you accept art? Yes, I would! I love medieval inspired art! I also LOVE Waterhouse and Pre-Raphaelites. Obviously, I am not expecting originals! :rantrave:

What is your favourite autumnal-seasonal drink? I have two: cider and mulled wine.

What's your favorite book? This is really hard. I have way too many favorites! Decameron and I, Elizabeth are the first two that come to mind.

What size socks do you wear? How about hat size? Socks need to be a size small. If they can be found. I have a terrible time finding socks where the heels don't end up around my ankle! Annoying! I have really small feet. I wear a 5.5 US and a 3 UK. My hat size is normal, I guess.

Symbols that are meaningful to me? Tudor rose, Triskele (triple knot), owls, hedgehogs, Viking Runic Compass

Do you read comics? No, but, I have always wanted to read the Sandman stuff and the From Hell comic.

By nature are you a morning lark or a night owl? Morning lark

What's your favorite type of music to hear live, rather than recorded? Classical, blues, and jazz

Are you a soap addict? Yes. I blame it on the forum! :)

Do you like kilts and would you wear one? Yes, I do and yes, I would!

Some of my favorite places: Scotland, Massachusetts, Austin, York, Pawtuckaway, my parent's house in San Antonio, a secluded rocky beach on the coast of New Hampshire.

What is one (only one) object that you collect, that totally goes against your personality or beliefs? Medieval religious art (icons). I am pagan, but, this art is so complex and often wonderfully done. I have prints all over the place.



Purses? Love them. Especially ones with neat fabrics.


Scarves? Love them! I have ones for all kinds of weather and I just like them because they are pretty.


If you could design your own perfume oil, which notes would it have? It would definitely have ginger, tea, something woody, and something to give it a bit of freshness.


Anyone here like pecan brittle? Not really, but, my husband does!


What bpal didn't work on you? Zarita was too sweet and Inez went to plastic which just broke my heart (so weird because it had all the notes I LOVE).


What chat/im capabilities do you have, or would you be able/willing to chat up your witch??

Gmail chat and AIM. If my witch wants, I will definitely chat. :)


What sorts of things--products, foods, household items--do you absolutely love and constantly try to enable people with? Pampering products, perfumes, great cookbooks, and wonderful independent retailers.


What is your favorite beverage (adult bev. if you are of age)?

Tea, particularly chai tea, Water, Thai Iced Tea, and fruit beverages. I don't really drink often enough to have a favorite adult beverage.


Who here reads comics/graphic novels? And Which ones?

Haven't read any yet, but, am interested in Sandman and From Hell.


Board games? I don't have enough friends here to play board games.


How do people feel about feet? Mine prefer comfy shoes or no shoes at all.


If you were to get earrings from your SW, what kind would you prefer? Studs? Pull through? Hoops? Dangles? Pull throughs, studs, and dangles.


So what's everyone's favorite BPTP nail color? Destroying Angel. I want to try Embalming Fluid, Lady MacBeth, and Blood Countess.


How do you feel about leather/leather scraps? No problems


Anyone need scent lockets? I need a smallish one for work. I would love a small steampunk type locket. Nothing too fancy or expensive.


Strange Fondness for: Hedgehogs, gargoyles


Do you like spicy/asian food? I adore Asian foods! Some of my favorite food around! And spice? Yes, please.


How adventurous are you when it comes to food/candies? Pretty adventurous.


What websites MUST everyone visit at least daily? Whatever websites make them happy.


Tarot Decks? Never read cards, but, they are always so pretty.


My Space: N/a


Song on repeat? Shirt by Peter Mulvey


My appearance in general: 5'2, petite, curvy, large bewbies, long reddish brown hair, pale, green eyes


Dreams I have for the future: Buying a stone cottage in a lovely village, going back to graduate school, working in a museum or uni, and being happy


Issues that I will get on my soapbox about: British visa changes, animal rights


What are the general patterns in your house / bedroom? Lots of candles and different shades of browns, greens, and other nature inspired colors


How important is BPAL in your Switch Witch packages? If it is there, great! If not, no worries.


"Used" BPAL? Ugly BPAL? Empties? No problems


deadly sin? Lust and Wrath.


song that when it comes on the radio, you look around guiltily, roll up the windows, and then sing along to at top volume? Anything by Erasure.


What did you sing along to in the shower this morning? I didn't. I could barely stand up in the shower because I was so tired.


TV shows you wish hadn't been canceled: I don't watch much TV, so, can't think of one.


If you could take on an existing superhero identity? Storm is cool.


Did you ever attend a midnight showing of the Rocky Horror Picture Show? Do you know the callbacks? Did you come dressed as a particular character? Yes, yes, and yes.


If you could meet anyone living and anyone dead, who would it be? Elizabeth I


Webcomics: No


Fun fact about me: I love going on long rambling hikes in the countryside. Hmm, that isn't much of a fun fact, is it?


How much personal swapping/purchasing do you plan on doing this round? Not much. I will be doing most of this for my witchee!


What if your witch gets you something you've already ordered? Then I have two! Hurray!


Hard Candies: Not my favorite things, but, my husband likes them.


Other Mailable Food Items: Yes, please. I suffer from a lack of American comfort foods.


If Your Job had no Dress Code: I would be in hippie dress or jeans and babydoll t-shirts.


Scent diffusers? I would love some as I don't have any!


genetic brushes with celebrity? Nope


what is your favorite time waster? The internets


Edited because apparently I missed another entire page of questions. Wow, you guys are BUSY!


What would YOU do if your SW offered, all unknowingly, to swap with you? Umm, maybe find a way not to do it or send her bit back in one of the packages?


How do you chat with your witch/witchee without giving yourself away? I am going to have to figure that out...


Do you like oddly flavored snacks, like pimiento, Louisiana roadkill, garlic, pepper, etc? Pimento cheese! Droool!

For those from previous SW rounds: What do you do after your witch reveals? Do you say thanks and move on? Do you retroactively stalk her? Become friends for life? Please share any SW etiquette and/or stories of past SW experiences, if you would: This is my first round and I am super excited!


How do you feel about homemade pet treats? Yes, please!


Gifts for SO? He wouldn't say no. Food is the best idea. He isn't much into material things.


Lush you are lusting after? Nope. Lush hates me.


Are you lusting after any of the new limited summer releases from Villainess? Kill Switch! I really, really want it, but, don't want to pay $38 in shipping for a whipped and smooch. Damn international shipping!


bubble bars or bath bombs? Both? Neither? Never tried either. They sound interesting.


How you feel about the single mug tea filters? I would love to have one as I have started drinking lots of loose tea.


What was your wedding song? We don't have one since we got married in a private ceremony on the beach in NH. Only the two of us and the officiant.


I have a question: What's your most often overlooked scent in your bpals? Scents you know you should wear, but for whatever reason you can't bring yourself to do it- either it's rare or it takes a few minutes on the skin to smell lovely: Crypt Queen. I adore it, but, it doesn't suit every mood. I have plenty though as a very little goes a REALLY long way on me.


What's your favorite theme or characters? For example, do you like gothic looking items or classical? Medieval, Roman, Japanese, Tudor. Gothic stuff is also very cool!


What's hanging on your walls? What do you want hanging on your walls? I have some pre-Raphaelite prints. I would love more art as this house is quite bare. Most of my art still resides in the states. I really need to get it here.


Maple syrup: Y/N? Canadian Maple Syrup rocks my world!


Undies: Yes, I wear them, but, am very fincky about what I buy.


Most Coveted BPAL: I would always take more Penumbra. It is gorgeous on me and I adore it to no end. Gennivre is also much loved and I have yet to get a bottle of her. Just have a quickly diminishing imp. I would also kill for more Aeronwen.


Anything you really absolutely don't want to get? Not that I can think of.


How conventional/weird are you comfortable with? I am open to anything.


First concert: Tori Amos


What sort of crafties do you do and what sort of crafty supplies do you like? I am learning to sew and love fabric. Although, I am not that accomplished with a machine yet. I am thinking of starting calligraphy again. I found it quite relaxing.


Is there anything that you have been wanting to try/buy but haven't? My wishlists say it all...


Are you up to being gifted with anime? No, thank you.


For those of you who play video games, what consoles do you own? None. I kinda want a Wii, though. Still convincing the other half that it is a good investment.


Mailbox situation: They bring it to the door. If it is too big to fit through the slot, they leave a card and I can get it the next day (or later that day if they are still open when I get home from work).


What’s your favorite genre of books to read? Historical fiction, non-fiction. I like psychological thrillers, too (think Silence of the Lambs). Please no sappy romance novels. Those, I just can't seem to read.


How much do you still enjoy playing with toys? Depends on the toy! :)


What practical goals to you have for the upcoming season? Weight loss, more yoga, and cycling more.


How would you describe your sense of humor? Dry, witty, but, I can be rather silly sometimes, too.


Phobias? I am afraid of failure.


Witch remain a secret? No! I want to know so I can shower you with gratitude and squeeage!


Do you play online games? I play WoW on occasion.


Do you prefer one large package, a couple of medium packages or a handful small ones spaced out? I really don't mind. Whatever is easiest for my witch.


Favorite Beatle? I don't have one.


Hair things/sticks/barrettes: I like headbands and cute bobby pins for when I need to dress up.


Floyd or Zeppelin? Zeppelin!


Platforms? Yes please!


Lip Balm? Love it and always want to try new ones! Tints are okay, but, no sparklies, please.


Two favorite Etsy stores: Savor and GlitteryBlue. I actually have several favorites, but, those will do! :)


Do you have an Etsy store? Nope.


Knit or crochet? Nope


What would you tell yourself 6 months in the past about 2008 so far? It will be one hell of a ride and no matter how depressed you may get, just try to stay positive.


Other forums? Nope.


If you had one minute of fame, what would you say or do? Run like hell. I never want to be famous.


Robots vs Zombies? Zombies because they are cooler than Robots.


Do you have phobias? No, not really. Does fear of failure count?


English candy/tea/marmite or other stuff that you love and can't easily get outside of England? Well, I live in England, so, not an issue for me. :( I miss a select few American food stuffs, though.


Bandaids: do you like the fun and funky ones? Sure!


How do you like your mix CDs? Random? Stuff you know you'll like? Random. I love being introduced to new music.


And, secondly, what is something you've been searching for but just can't find? A really great winter hat. I have lots of hair, so, most of them tend to work their way into a weird dunce hat. Also, the ones I find that fit are generally too light and my head gets cold. I have a small head but LOTS of hair. The other thing is good veggie cookbooks. I have found a few, but, the meals aren't any healthier. I would love a veggie cookbook with healthy, tasty, and fun recipes.


What kind of music (genres, please) do you like? I listen to all kinds of things. I love old folk (Phil Ochs) and new folk (Antje Duvecot, Kris Harmer, Great Lake Swimmers). Singer/songwriters are brilliant! Tori Amos is fabulous and in my top five of artists. Honestly, my tastes are all over the place. The only things I don't like are rap, death metal, and new R&B. However, I like jazz, blues, soul, reggae. Ella Fitzgerald is another in my top five!


What kinds of eye shadows do we all like? I have a severe allergy to just about every eyeshadow on the market. Sad, but, true.


Fanfic as a gift* - yay or nay? Your fandom? Slash preferences? I am not a fangirl of any particular thing, so, this wouldn't work for me.


Do you like making up your SW packages around a theme, or prefer to mix it all up?: This is my first round, so, I have no idea! I might try for a theme and see how it goes. I have a feeling I may get carried away with getting all different kinds of things that my witchee likes!


Would you rather get food or jewellery? Jewelry! I am trying to lose weight, so, lots of food would be a bad thing (unless it is good for me food or American Halloween candy-which will be rationed throughout the year). Tea, however, is a very good thing!


How do people feel about receiving baked goods/kits to make said goods? Or other cooking items? Would you enjoy oil or vinegar flavored with herbs grown at home? Strange and exotic spices with recipes to try? Cookies made with carnation petals? Sounds awesome! I love to cook. I just need to get that pesky baking thing down..


Are you a Trekkie? If so, which series do you prefer? Do you have a favorite character? Nope.


What are your pet's names, and what are they named for? - Three dogs. Buster- a medium sized black lab mastiff mix. He started life as my husband's dog, but, now he is my dog, too. He is named after another Buster who was hit by a car. He is old at the age of nearly 13. Marley is a Chihuahua who looks more like a deer than a dog with his brown color, skinny body, and long legs. He is named after Bob Marley because he used to run in circles and happily bark whenever I played Bob Marley. He is the middle child at the age of 6. Bailey is some sort of terrier mix and is the puppy at the age of 3. He is named after the bailey portion of a Motte and Bailey castle. The Bailey was often where the prison was and when I found my Bailey, he was locked inside a deserted apartment and inside a dog carrier with no food or water. He was only 3 months old. I rescued him and being the dorky medievalist that I am, named him Bailey.


What's the scariest thing that's ever happened to you? When I thought for all of five minutes that my husband had been killed in a car crash. The car just happened to be the same model and share the same first three numbers of the licence plate. He was a mile and a half behind me, thankfully.


How do you scent yourself? Do you layer soaps, moisturizers, etc. or do you go straight to slathering your bod with BPAL?

I sometimes layer lotions and BPAL if I have ones that complement each other. I have also been know to slather myself with Villainess Ginger Snapped Whipped. The scent hangs around for awhile and I find it comforting. So much so that I have three jars of it for fear of running out! Other times, it is all BPAL and only BPAL.


Do you/how do you scent your world? Candles, incense, diffusers, potpourri? None of the above?

I really need things to scent my world with! When I still lived outside Boston, I used candles, incense, and room sprays. I have always wanted to get an oil burner and a reed diffuser. I have yet to get all that stuff since moving. I have been focused on the more practical like food, dog food, and getting my driving licence.


BPAL is such a scent-ual experience. What are your other tactile, aural, or olfactory pleasures (I was going to say, "And let's keep it clean", but what's the use fun in that?!?

I love soft fabric! Especially in blankets or throws that I can curl up under. I love music and it is on constantly. I love it when my husband plays with my hair or rubs my back because he has great hands and it is so relaxing. I adore the rain (which is good living in England). Both the sound and the smell. I also love the sound of snow (which I miss terribly). That quite hush that is an almost otherworldly sound. And of course, the smell of autumn can't be rivaled. I also love the feeling of my dogs snuggled against me. Warm paws and puppy snores are so great...


If you drink coffee (and make it yourself) do you use a French Press, regular filter basket coffee maker, Espresso Machine, Percolator? If I drink it, it has to be French press or latte. I very rarely drink coffee because it can upset my stomach. I love the smell, though!


What movie soundtracks (or scores) do you love? I love Broadway musicals! I know I have loads, but, can't think of any now.


What kind of indulgences do you really really want, but can't seem to make yourself buy? Maybe out of character, or a part of yourself you're busy denying? Decorations for the house. Soft scarves and jewelry. Things for me that aren't "essential". Yes, I buy BPAL, but that is my one true indulgence. When I buy other stuff that I would love, I am generally buying it as a gift for a family member or friend (or witchee). I actually have a hard time buying nice stuff for myself. I even had to put it in my 101 goals in 1001 days to get me to do it (at the prodding of my husband).


My questionnaire is chock-a-block with ideas for Witching me on the cheap, and without sending "stuff for stuff's sake". And I just came up with another one--make me a Pandora, Finetune, or Last.fm station you think I might like! What manner of affordable Witchery might you covet? Anything! I don't know what Pandora, Finetune, or Last.fm is, but, I am open to all manner of new things. I love homemade goodies! They are the most special. When I got my critter, I was overcome with joy for over a week because someone made something especially for me. It was so touching. And cheap things are great! I would never turn my nose up at lip balm, candy, post cards, etc. All of those things are wonderful! It is the thought that is so touching. :D


Does your cell phone have a place to attach charms?

No, it doesn't. My charm from Cyphersushi hangs from my handbag.


Does the weather change where you are, as in, does it get cold in the winter? Anyone need homegrown scarves, hats, mittens, etc?

Yes, it does change. Quite a bit and the cold here is so much worse than the cold found on a snowy Massachusetts winter day. Here, the cold is damp and it invades your body and your house. It is so hard to keep warm. So, fluffy warm scarves, hats, and mittens would always be appreciated.


What is your favorite art movement and/or style? ie impressionist, surrealist, art nouveau, etc. Medieval, Celtic, Roman, and the more modern stuff I like would be Pre-Raphaelite. Waterhouse, Dante Rossetti, for example.


Do you have a case for your mp3 player/digital camera? If you would want one, what size is your digital device? I do! It is awesome because it sticks it to the dashboard of my car.


For tea drinkers, do you bag it or prefer loose No preference, really. I take my own tea to work, so, it is in bags there. At home, I use a variety of bags and loose. I have been buying more loose recently because the teas that sounded yummy were only available loose.


Who are your forum buddies? People you know well enough online or IRL to help your Witch pick out stuff for you?

I don't have loads as I am newish around here. I would say Cyphersushi because she stalked me during critter making, Gwenhyfar because we have chatted a bit, and Nekogrrl as we have emailed some.


Flavored oils and vinegars? Exotic spices? Oh yes! I am a cooking fiend and spices are my friends!


Favorite Halloween song? Monster Mash or anything from Rocky Horror.


Alice in Wonderland? I enjoyed the book, but, I am not mad about it.


How do you feel about having a donation made in your name to something? If you like that idea, what types of organizations/groups would you want the donation to go to? Sure! Anything animal related like Dogs Trust, RSPCA, MSPCA, Texas SPCA, etc. Or Plant-a-Tree type things would be awesome as well.


Do you wear a watch? No, but, that is because I can never find one I love. I like the hippie cuff looking ones, but, the ones I find that are fantastic are also fantastically expensive. I don't do expensive.

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