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Switch Witch questions from last round

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So after making a massive post of questions today, I realized they are not This Round questions. I'll stick the old questions here instead.



Southern California does not get cold enough for scarves. Or at least it hasn't since I've lived here.


If you could design your own perfume oil, which notes would it have?

Uhh, I dunno. I would loooove to see a set of oils based on Mahler's "Das Lied von der Erde," though, and I've been thinking about what might go into those.





If you were to get earrings from your SW, what kind would you prefer?

My ears aren't pierced, and I'm not looking to get extra holes put into my body at any time in the foreseeable future.


Anyone need scent lockets?

Not really.


Strange Fondness for:

Terrible disaster movies. Like "Volcano" or "The Day after Tomorrow." I keep joking about making my own sometime.


Song on repeat?

Lately, it has been Janet Beazley's "Run Away, Sally Ann," which is creepy and awesome. This changes from week to week, though.


Anyone here like pecan brittle?



What BPAL didn't work on you?

The Coiled Serpent gave me a wheezing and sneezing allergic reaction within 20 minutes. Schrödinger's Cat disappeared in a very short amount of time.


What chat/im capabilities do you have, or would you be able/willing to chat up your witch?

I mostly stick to AIM, and I'm on it pretty often. I'm up for chatting, though wouldn't that give the surprise of who is whose witch/witchee away?


What sorts of things--products, foods, household items--do you absolutely love and constantly try to enable people with?

There is this frozen yogurt place near where I live. There are all kinds of flavors and toppings, and you get to mix them together yourself. They are priced by weight. It is easy to rack up a $6 sundae, and it is SO tasty. I have been enabling all of my friends to this place.


What is your favorite beverage (adult bev. if you are of age)?

Proooobably tea.


Board games?


And Apples to Apples, which isn't technically a board game, but is so much fun.


How do people feel about feet?

Mine are flat. They are so flat that they screw up my gait, which screws up my knees. I went to a physical therapist for the pain, and he said I had the flattest feet he'd ever seen, except for possibly my dad's feet. Curse you, genetics!


So what's everyone's favorite BPTP nail color?

I don't wear nail polish.


How do you feel about leather/leather scraps?

No objections.


Do you like spicy/Asian food?

YES! Yes, yes.


How adventurous are you when it comes to food/candies?

I have to know what's in it (not going to eat bugs or intestines or something), but within that, I am pretty adventurous. When it comes to stuff like ice cream, I will sometimes order a new flavor that I don't have a clue what it is, just to see what it's like.


What websites MUST everyone visit at least daily?

I assume we all visit the BPAL forum every day!

I personally check the Recent Earthquakes In California page daily. Also LOLcats, and Cake Wrecks.


Tarot Decks?

Never had one, nor have I had a reading done.


My Space:

Don't have one.


My appearance in general: Short, average weight, short brown hair, brown eyes, glasses, usually wearing jeans and nerdy t-shirts, often carrying some sort of musical instrument.


Dreams I have for the future:

Living in the Bay Area, with a job that allowed me to both do research and teach and paid enough that I did not have to stress out over finances all the time (and could occasionally travel), and with music to play in my spare time.


Issues that I will get on my soapbox about:

Natural disaster preparedness, how cleaning up after past disasters should be handled, arts and science education, how patriotic bandwagoning scares me...


What are the general patterns in your house / bedroom?

Light wood or white furniture (except for the black chairs), white walls, gray carpet. My bedsheets are green, tan, white, and blue.


How important is BPAL in your Switch Witch packages?

I'd be surprised if it wasn't involved, considering the venue is the BPAL forum, but it isn't vital at all. Whatever items my Witch thinks would fit will be awesome!


"Used" BPAL? Ugly BPAL? Empties?

No problem.


Deadly sin?

It has definitely been sloth this summer.


Song that when it comes on the radio, you look around guiltily, roll up the windows, and then sing along to at top volume?

I, uh. Sing along to German art songs in the car. Sometimes with the windows open.


What did you sing along to in the shower this morning?

I don't generally sing in the shower, though.


TV shows you wish hadn't been canceled:



If you could take on an existing superhero identity...

I dunno! On an online X-Men roleplaying game, I play Rictor, who causes earthquakes. Does that count?


Did you ever attend a midnight showing of the Rocky Horror Picture Show? Do you know the callbacks? Did you come dressed as a particular character?

It wasn't midnight, but I went to a performance of the RHPS stage play on my 18th birthday. The guy playing Frank was a friend of the person who got me the tickets to the show. I was not dressed up, but the Narrator made me get up and do the Time Warp anyway.


If you could meet anyone living and anyone dead, who would it be?

Living: Jeez. Uh. I don't know!

Dead: Gustav Mahler, my favorite composer


Webcomics: Ozy and Millie, Zebra Girl, Wapsi Square, Wondermark, Khaos Komix, XKCD


Fun fact about me:

I have studied three non-English languages (Spanish, Russian, and German, though I've pretty much forgotten the Spanish. I'm hoping to start on a fourth (Indonesian) soon.


How much personal swapping/purchasing do you plan on doing this round?

Enough to make for a good package and complement the stuff that I'm going to make.


What if your witch gets you something you've already ordered?

Cool by me!


Hard Candies:

Excellent! Unless they're grape flavored, since that reminds me of this allergy medicine I had to take daily when I was little.


Other Mailable Food Items:

Food is good.


If Your Job had no Dress Code:

The nerdy t-shirts would come to work with me. I will totally be able to get away with nerdy shirts as a TA in the Earth Sciences department, but my retail lackey job has very specific color and style guidelines.


Scent diffusers?

I've never owned one. Could be nice for obscuring the litterbox a little better, but also could be something cats could knock over.


Genetic brushes with celebrity?

None that I know of.


what is your favorite time waster?



How do you feel about Gaelic Storm and other Irish folk/drinking song bands?



How do you feel about homemade pet treats?

You'd have to ask my cats! (I suspect they'd approve.)


Gifts for SO?

I don't have one.


Lush you are lusting after?

My only experience with Lush, if you could even call it experience, is walking past the store at the mall on the way to work.


Are you lusting after any of the new limited summer releases from Villainess?

I've never looked at their site either. Though in the Summer Switch Witch thread, I think I saw something that said Villainess and Krakatoa. Javanese volcano soap?


Bubble bars or bath bombs? Both? Neither?

Never tried either one. Probably wouldn't be helpful either, since I usually shower rather than take a full bath.


How you feel about the single mug tea filters? The kind that have a mesh or ceramic filter that fit right it the mug?

I had one. It was great. And then certain cats decided it would look better in several pieces on the floor. (I suppose it could have been certain earthquakes in July, since I noticed it was broken that week, but considering the only other thing the quake knocked down in my apartment were some imps, I think the cats are the more likely culprits.)



Favorite GCs?



Also Robin Goodfellow, Lightning, and Tenochtitlan. Yeah, my first imp pack was full of winners.


I have a question: What's your most often overlooked scent in your bpals?

Hm. Probably Tenochtitlan. It was the first one I tried, and I liked it, but I don't reach for the imp as much as with Tombstone, Coyote, and Robin. When I do reach for it, I remember why I like it.


What's your favorite theme or characters? For example, do you like gothic looking items or classical? Do you love Hello Kitty, Harry Potter, etc?

I admit to still enjoying Redwall immensely.


What's hanging on your walls? What do you want hanging on your walls?

Many of my walls are bare, but the ones that aren't contain photos I took of various places in California. There are a lot of the Carrizo Plain (So pretty! And Coyote smells like the Carrizo smells. I think this is why I love Coyote.), and also a panorama of the San Bernardino Mountains that spans a good hundred miles or so. I also have a print of a 1904-ish poster advertising Puccini's opera Madama Butterfly.


What are you? CORSET or CAMI??? And....why?

Neither! Just t-shirts. Yep.


Maple syrup: Y/N?




Briefs, if you must know.


Most Coveted BPAL:

Not quite sure! Still too new to narrow in on one.


Anything you really absolutely don't want to get?

No makeup, hair stuff, nail polish, earrings - I won't use these things.


How conventional/weird are you comfortable with?

Weird is good!


First concert:

A community theatre production of Menotti's opera Amahl and the Night Visitors


What sort of crafties do you do and what sort of crafty supplies do you like?

I do a lot of drawing and painting. My weapons of choice here are Prismacolor markers, Pitt pens, and watercolors. I also like to design t-shirts.


Are they up to being gifted with anime?

I've never been into anime. But if there's a story you think I'd like, I don't object to anime in the least. I guess I just don't get the whole liking it because it's anime thing, rather than liking it for a good story.


For those of you who play video games, what consoles do you own?

I've never had a video game console.


Mailbox situation:

I have a small mailbox at my building. The box from my first BPAL order, which was a single imp pack, fit in there, but that's not a huge box. If I'm not home when a package is delivered, it goes to the building manager's office, and I can pick it up the next day.


What’s your favorite genre of books to read?

Nonfiction (particularly science and history), historical fiction, some classic literature, humorous stuff, real-world-with-fantasy-elements


How much do you still enjoy playing with toys?

I don't really have toys anymore. Unless things like my laptop and iPod count!


What practical goals to you have for the upcoming season?

Work my butt off in school, to help get caught up on the geophysics/math background for my degree. Try not to let that overcome every second of free time, though. Some non-work time is required for sanity!


How would you describe your sense of humor?

Easily amused, punny, geeky.



Cancer, heart disease, anaphylactic shock, really narrow and badly-paved roads that are on the edges of cliffs or dropoffs of some sort


Witch remain a secret?

This is at the Witch's discretion, but I would eventually like to know who to thank!


Do you play online games?

I do a lot of text-based roleplay, though I haven't done as much lately as I used to.


Do you prefer one large package, a couple of medium packages or a handful small ones spaced out?

However my Witch wants to approach it!


Favorite Beatle?



Hair things/sticks/barrettes:



Floyd or Zeppelin?

Uh. Can't decide.


New question....Beatles or Stones?






Do you have pictures of your art?


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