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Damn the torpedoes

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Do you ever have one of those spells in your life, where you'd just like to put the universe on notice that he/she/it can stop tossing grenades in your path? That maybe you're just tired of dodging explosions in the road, and a bit o' smooth sailing might be a lovely change? Just long enough to have a little time to get some things figured out? I think some people are given a life of more combustables than others. And my life, for the last year, has been a series of big-ass explosions and smaller rumblings, more akin to a volcano getting ready to blow. I'm getting weary of it.


Maybe if I could be a little more clueless, everything wouldn't seem so acute to me, but who wants to be clueless? Sometimes I think those of us who are rather gothic in our outlook are simply the people who just can't stop paying attention long enough to get clueless. Not that I can't be clueless about many things, but they usually aren't important enough to tranqulize me to what's going on.


But I suppose to be awake to the difficulty of life is also to be awake to the gorgeousness of life, so why be a whiny-pants about it?

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There was going to be a rambling, philosophical response about spiritual callouses and using one's awareness as the pumice stone to keep one's hands sensitive enough to feel the soft and supple along with the sharp and ragged...


But then you mentioned whiny-pants, which evoked whiny-panties, and I'm at a loss to draw out the conclusions of my metaphor.


Maybe it's numbness/cluelessness isn't the answer, but just a break. Small pockets of silence taken like a vitamin.


I've personally sunk so deep in my pocket I need to get back out. Like taking too much vitamin C, my bloodstream is saturated by my reclusion, and now I'm just pissing my life away.


Erg. That metaphor sort of ran away, didn't it. Panties!

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darkity, your comments spurred an utterly irreverant memory of the movie "Naked Gun," where Leslie Nielsen (the older guy with white hair) is talking to someone and says: "Oh yes, we'll all handle this like adults... won't we, MR POOPYPANTS????" I like to call pouty men "Mr. Poopypants." Fits. We may piss our lives away at times, but at least we don't drop a batch in our drawers.

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