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Replaced by new entry Dec 2013; keeping this one for hyperlinks to reviews. Please also seemy ScentBase Profile


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Ranking system: 1 don't like; 2 like; 3 love

*denotes bottle

sn denotes sniffie only


#20 Love Oil, 13(Oct 2006) (*LE;3)


Abhisarika (LE;3) Absinthe (1), Aelopile, Aeval, Agape, The Agony of Longing (snLE;3)The Agony of Loss (*LE), Ahathoor (*3), Aizen-Myoo (1), Ajna, Al-Azif, Alecto, Alice, All Night Long, All Saints 2006 (*LE;2), All Souls 06 (LE;1), Allison Gross (LE), Amsterdam, Anactoria (LE), Anahata, Annabel Lee (*LE;3), Anne Bonny (3), Antique Lace (3), Antonio The Carny Barker (LE;3), Antony, Anubis (3), Arachne, Ariadne Brunell (LE), Aries 07 (*LE), Arkham, Arkham Revisited (*LE;3), The Arrival at the Sabbath and Homage to the Devil (3), Asp Viper (*LE;3), Asphodel (3), Athens (*3), The Atrocious Attic (LE), Aunt Caroline’s Joy Mojo, Aureus, Australian Copperhead (LE;1), Autumn Moon of the Mirror Stand (LE;3), Ave Maria Gratia Plena


Bad Luck Woman Blues (*LE;1), Baghdad, Banded Sea Snake (*LE;3), Baobhan Sith, Baron Samedi, Bastet (1), Bat's Blood res(LE;3), Bathsheba, Bayou, Beanman and Beanwoman Prepare to Attack the Vagina (*LE;2), Beatrice (LE), Beaver Moon 07 (*LE;3), La Bella Donna Mia Mente, Belladonna (2), La Bella Donna Della Mia Mente, La Belle Dame Sans Merci, Belle Époque, Belle Vinu, Bengal (2), Bensiabel, Bess, Bewitched, biggerCritter (*;3), Bien Loin d'Ici, Les Bijoux, Elixir VIII: Bitch (*3), Bitter Moon (LE), Black Annis (2), Black Butterfly Moon (LE), Black Cat, Black Forest, Black Heart (LE;3), Black Hellebore, Black Lace (*;3), Black Lily (*3), Black Moon (*LE;3), Black Opal, Black Pearl, Black Phoenix (2), Black Rose, Black Temple Burlesque Troupe (LE), Bliss, Block Buster, Blood (2), Blood Amber, Blood Countess (2), Blood Kiss, Blood Moon 05 (LE;2), Blood Moon 08 (*LE), Blood Pearl, Blood Phoenix(*LE;3), Blood Rose, Bloodlust, The Bloody Sword (*LE;3), Bluebeard, Blue Fire (LE), Blue Moon May07 (*LE;3), Blue Moon 09 (Beth’s) (*LE), Blue Moon 09 (Brian’s) (LE), Boo Bam (LE), Boomslang (LE;1), Bon Vivant, The Bow & Crown of Conquest, The Brides of Dracula (*LE;3), Brimstone, Brisingamen (1), Brown Jenkins, Budding Moon (LE), But Men Loved Darkness Rather Than Light (LE), Butterflies & Plovers (LE)


Cairo, Calico Jack, Carfax Abbey (*LE;3), Carnal, Carnaval Diabolique (LE;2), The Caterpillar, Cathedral, Chaos Theory V2:The O Series (*LE), Cheshire Cat, The Chilling Cellar (LE), Chimera, Chintamani-Dhupa (LE;2), Chiroptera (*LE;3), Chuparosa (3), The Churchyard (LE), Clarimonde (LE), Cleopatra Testing Poisons on Those Condemned to Death, Clio (LE), The Clod and the Pebble (*LE;3), The Coil, Come To Me, Copper Phoenix (*LE), Cordelia, Coral Snake (LE;2), Cottonmouth (LE;1), Count Dracula (*LE;2), A Countenance Forboding Evil, Countess Dolingen of Gratz (LE), Coxcomb (*LE), Coyote (3), Cristina (LE), Crossroads, Croquet, Crow Moon(*LE;3), Crypt Queen (*LE;3)


Dana O’Shee, Dance of Death (3), Danse Macabre, Danube, Dark Delicacies (*), The Darkling Thrush (*LE;2), Darkness, Daya (LE;3), Death Adder (LE;1), Death On A Pale Horse, Debauchery, Ded Moroz (LE), Dee, The Deep Ones (1), Defutita, Delight, Delirium, Delousing Powder (LE), Delphi (3), Depraved, Desdemona, Desire, Despair (*;3), Destroying Angel, Devil’s Claw, Devil's Night 05 (LE;1), Dia (*LE;3), Diable en Boîte (LE), Dirty, Djinn (2), Doc Buzzard (LE;3), Doc Constantine (LE), Dolce Stil Nuovo (LE;2), Dorian, The Dormouse (2), Dove’s Heart, Dragon Moon06 (LE;3), Dragon Moon 08 (*LE;2), Dragon's Blood (2), Dragon's Bone (3), Dragon's Claw (2), Dragon's Heart (*3), Dragon's Hide (1), Dragon's Milk (*3), Dragon's Musk, Dragon's Reverie (3), Dragon's Tears (2), Dreamland (LE), Drink Me (1), Dublin (2)


Eat Me (1), Eclipse (3), The Ecstasy of Infatuation (LE), The Ecstasy of Passion (*LE), Embalming Fluid (3), The Emathides (LE); Enraged Orangutan Musk (LE;3), Envy, Eos, Erato, Eris, Eshe (*LE;3), Et Lux Fuit (LE;3), Euphrosyne, Euterpe, Eve, Event Horizon


Fallen, A Farewell to False Love (LE), Fascinum (2), Faunalia (LE), Faustus, Fenris Wolf (3), Feu Follet res (*LE;3), Fire for Thy Stepmother's Daughter, Fire of Love, Fire Pig (*LE;2), Les Fleurs du Mal, Florence (3), Flower Moon (*LE), The Flower Song (LE), Follow Me Boy, Forbidden Fruit, The Forbidding Foyer (LE), Frederic (LE), French Love, The Fruit of Paradise (LE), Fuwu Bansaku in Ruined Temple (*LE)


Galvanic Goggles, Gaueko, The Ghastly Garden (LE), The Ghost (2), Giant Squid (*LE), Giant Vulva (*LE;3), The Gibbous Moon (LE), The Girl (LE), Glasgow, Glasya res (*LE;3), Glitter res (LE;2), Gluttony, The Goblin Rider (*LE), Gold Phoenix (*LE), Golden Priapus, Golden Wave (LE), Gomorrah (2), Goneril, GOP (LE), Grandmother of Ghosts, Graveyard Dirt 08 (*LE), Great Grey Witch (*LE), The Great Sword of War (1), Green Party (LE), Green Tree Viper (LE;1), Grog (1), GRR: Elixir X (*3), Gypsy (*LE)


Habu (LE;2), Hamadryad, The Hanging Gardens, Harikata (*LE;3), Harlot, Has No Hanna, Haunted (*3), Havana, Hecate, Helena, Helios (*LE;3), Hellcat, Hell’s Belle, Herbert West, Hermia, Her Voice (LE), Herr Droselmeyer 05 (LE), The Hesperides, Hetairae, High John the Conqueror, The Highwayman, Hi’iaka, Hod (LE), Hollywood Babylon, Hony Mone (*LE;3), The Horn of Amalthea (LE;3), Horn of Plenty, House of Mirrors (*LE;1), House of Night, Hungry Ghost Moon (LE;3), Hurricane, Hymn (3), Hymn to Proserpine


I Died For Beauty, Iambe (*3), Imp, In Winter In My Room (LE), Incantation, Inferno, Les Infortunes de la Vertu, Intergalactic (*LE;2), Intrigue, Iron Phoenix (LE;1), Irrelevant and Disturbing Crawdad Dream (*LE;2), Ivanuskha


Jabberwocky, Jacob's Ladder 05 (*LE;3), Jacob's Ladder 06 (*LE;3), Jailbait (1), Jazz Funeral, The Jersey Devil, Jester, Jezierat Al Tennyn, Jolly Roger, Juke Joint, Julia Stone (LE), Juliet


Kabuki (3), Kalahantarika (LE;2), Kanishta (LE;3), Katharina, Kathmandu, Kelly Pool (LE), Khajuraj[h]o 05 (*LE;3), Khajuraho 07 (LE;3), Khandita (LE;3), Khepra (*3), Kill-Devil,Kindly Moon (*LE;3), King Cobra (LE;2), The King of Hearts, Kitsune-Tsuki, Kostnice (3), Kuang Shi, Kumiho


Labores Solis (*LE), Ladon, Lady Lilith (LE), Lady Luck Blues (*LE;3), The Lady of Shalott (3), The Last Squished Jellybean (LE), Laudanum, Lear, Leo 07 (*LE;3), Libertine, Libra 07 (*LE;3), Lightning, Ligur, Lilith and the Jarocho (*LE), Lilith vs. the Giant Crab (*LE), Lilium Inter Spinas, The Lion (*3), Litha (LE),The Little Sparrow, The Living Flame (*LE;3), London, Long Night Moon (LE), Longing (LE), Loralei, Lord Ruthven (LE), Lotus Moon 06 (*LE;2), Love Lies Bleeding, Love Me, Love’s Philosophy (LE), Love's Torments, Lucy Westenra (*LE;3), Lucy's Kiss, Luna (*LE), Lunar Eclipse (*LE), Lune Noire (*LE), Luperci 07 (LE;3), The Lurid Library (LE), Lust (3), Lycaon (*LE;3), Lyonesse (*3)


Macchu Pichu (allergic), Mad Hatter, Madame Tracy, Madonna, Mlle. Lilith, Fortune Teller (*LE), Mme. Moriarty (*LE;3), Madrid, Magus, Magdalene, The Magician, Magus, Maiden (2), Malediction, Malice (3), Man With Phallus Head (*LE;3), Manhattan, Manila (2), Manipura, Mantis, Marae (LE), Marie, Marotte, Mary Read, Masabakes (3), The Masque (LE;3), Masquerade, Mata Hari (2), Medea, Melisande (*LE;3), Meskehnet (*LE;3), Mictecacihuatl (*LE;3), Mi-Go Brain Cannister (*LE;3), Midnight Kiss, Midnight Mass 06 (LE), Midnight on the Midway (*LE;3), The Miller’s Daughter, Minotaur (*LE), Mircalla, Countess Karnstein (LE), Miskatonic University, Mr. Ibis, Moai (LE), Moana (LE), Monarch (*LE;3), Moon Rose, Morgause, Morocco, Moscow, Motley (*LE), Mouse's Long and Sad Tale (*;3), Moxie:Elixir V, Mr. Ibis, Muladhara, A Murder of Crows (LE;3), Muse (3), The Music of Erich Zahn


Namaste (3), Nanshe, Nefertiti, Nephilim, Nes Gadol Haya Sham (LE), Niflheim, Night-Gaunt, Night Thoughts (LE), Night's Pavilion 06 (LE;2), Night's Pavilion 07 (LE;2), Noche Buena, Nocnitsa, Nonae Caprotina (*LE;3), Nosferatu, Nuit, Nuclear Winter (*LE;3), Numb (snLE), Nyalarthotep, Nyx


O, The Oblation (LE;3), Oblivion, Oborot (*LE;3), Ochosi, Ode On Melancholy (2), Odin, Old Man Ackerman’s Intstructional Toys (LE), Old Scratch (1), On Darkness (LE), Oneiroi, Opuhi (LE), Osun, Othello, Ouija, The Oval Portrait (DD;3), Ozymandias


Pain, Pannychis, Panther Moon (*LE), Paper Kite (*LE), Parentalia (LE), The Parliament of Foules (LE), The Passionate Shepherd to His Love (LE), The Peacock Queen 05 (LE;3), Peacock Queen 07 (*LE;3), Peitho, Penis Admiration (LE;3), Penitence, Penny Dreadful, Penthus, Peony Moon (*LE;3), The Perilous Parlour (LE), The Perfumed Garden 06 (LE), The Perfumed Garden 07 (LE;3), Perle von Mauren (LE), Pet Magah Bird (LE), Le Petit Mort, Phantom (3), The Phantom Calliope (*LE;2), Phantom Queen, The Phantom Wooer, Phobos, The Phoenix (*LE), Phoenix Steamworks (3), Pink Mood (LE;3), Pink Moon 05 (*LE;3), Pink Moon 07 (*LE;3), Pink Phoenix (LE;2), Pink Snowballs (LE;3), Pirate Moon (*LE;3), The Pit and the Pendulum (LE), Poisson d'Avril (LE), Poisoned Apple, Polyhymnia, Pontarlier, Port-Au-Prince, Port Royal (2), Prague, The Premature Burial (*LE;3), The Presence of Love (LE), Priala (*LE;2), Proshitapathika (LE;2), Psyche, Purple Phoenix (*LE;2)


Queen, Queen Gertrude (*2), Queen Mab, The Queen of Hearts, Quicksilver Phoenix (LE)


R.M.Renfield (LE), Ra (3), Rage, Rakshasa, The Ragged Wood (LE), Rangoon Riptide (LE), The Raven (3), Ravenous, Red Devil, Red Lantern 07 (LE;1), Red Moon 07 (*LE;3), The Red Queen (3), Red Rose (*LE;3), Regan, Reindeer Poop (LE), Ressurection of the Flesh (*3), Roadhouse, The Robotic Scarab, Rome (*3), Rosalind (1), Rose Cross, Rose Moon (*LE;3), Rose Red 07 (*LE;3), Rosy Maple (*LE;3), Roux-ga-roux (*LE)


Sahasrara, Sachs, Sacred Whore of Babylon, Saint Foutin de Varailles (*LE;3), Salamander (LE;2), Salomé, Santa Eularia Des Riu, Santa Muerte, Santo Domingo, Sapphics (LE), Sarah (LE), Satan and Death with Sin Intervening, Saturnalia (1), Satyr, Saw-Scaled Viper (LE;1), Scherezade (3), The School-House (*LE), Schwartzer Mond (*LE;3), Scorpio 07 (*LE;3), Screeching Parrot (LE), The Sea Foams Blood, Sea of Glass, Séance, The Season of Ghosts (LE), Sed Non Satiata, Seraglio, Seraphim, Le Serpent Qui Danse(3), Serpent's Kiss, Shadow Witch Orchid,Shanghai, Shango, Sheol, Shoggoth, Shroud, Shub-Niggurath (1), Silentium Amoris res (*LE;3), Silk Road (1), Silver Phoenix (LE), Sin, Siren, Skuld (3), Sleipnir (LE;3), Sloth, Smoky Moon (*LE), Smut 06 (*LE;3), Smut 07 (*LE;3), Snake Charmer (*LE;3), Snake Charmer res (*LE;2), Snake Oil (*3), The Snow Maiden (*LE;2), Sol Invictus res (*LE;3), Spellbound, The Sportive Sun (*LE;3), Squirting Cucumber, Sri Lanka (3), The Star (3), Stardust 06(*LE;3), Strangler Fig, Stimulating Sassafrass Strengthener (3), Strangler Fig (3), Succubus, Sudha Segara, Sugar Moon (*LE;2), Sunbird (*LE;3), Sundew, Suspiro, Svadhinaopatika (*LE;3), Swadhisthana, Swank (1), Symmakhia (*LE;3), Szepasszony


Tabula Smaragdina (*LE), Tamora, Tann'iver, Te Po (LE), Temple of Dreams Temple Viper (LE;3), Tenochtitlan (3), Terpsichore, Tezcatlipoca, Thalassa (LE), Thaleia, Thanatos, Three Brides, Three Gorgons, Tiki King (LE), Tiki Queen (LE), Tin Phoenix (LE), Tisiphone, Titania, Titus Andronicus (2), To Helen (*LE;3), Tombstone, Treat:Sugar-Slathered Candy (LE;1), Trick #1 (LE;2), Tum (*3), Tupapau (LE), Tushnamatay, Tweedledee (1), Tweedledum (1), Twenty-One, Twilight, The Twisted Oak Tree (LE), Two Five and Seven (3), Typhon res (LE)


Umbra (3), The Unicorn, Upa Upa (LE), Urania, Urd, Uruk (3), Utrennyaya


Valentine of Rome (*LE;1), Vampire Tears (1), Van Van, Verchernyaya (allergic), Vasakasajja (*LE;3), Veil (3), Velvet, Velvet Bandito (LE), Velvet Clown (LE), Velvet Cthulu (LE), Velvet Dogs Playing Poker (LE), Velvet Nudie (LE), Velvet Panther (LE), Velvet Pink Kitty (LE), Velvet Tiger (LE), Velvet Unicorn (LE), Venice, Verdandi, Versailles, Vicomte de Valmont, VILF (LE;3), Villain, Viola, Violens, Violet Ray, Vipralabda (LE;3), Virahotkantita (LE;2), Viola, Vishuddha, La Vita Nuovo (LE), Vixen (3), Voodoo, Voodoo Lily, The Vortex


Wanda, Wanton, Water of Notre Dame, Western Diamondback (LE;2), When the Winter Chrysanthemums Go (LE), Whip, White Moon (LE), White Rose (*LE;3), Whitechapel, Wicked (2), Wilde, Wiley’s Swamp (LE), Wilhelmina Murray, Wings of Azrael, The Witching Time of Night (LE), Wolf Moon 04 (*LE;3), Wolf Moon 07 (*LE;3), Wolf's Heart (*3), Wolfsbane, Womb Furie (*LE;3), Worm Moon (*LE;3), Wrath


Yerevan, Yew Trees, Yggdrasil, Yuki-Onna res (*LE;2)


Zombi (2), Zorya


Had But No Longer Have

Alone (LE;1), Black Dahlia (3), Black Hellebore (2), Dragon's Eye (allergic), Hunter Moon (LE;2), Khryseê (*LE;1), Scorpio 07 (*LE), Strawberry Moon 09 (2), Vechernyaya (2), Voodoo Queen (LE;2)

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