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My BPAL Maybes

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These scents are “Maybes”. I’m intrigued by them, haven’t ruled them out, but for one reason or another, they haven’t made it onto the Must-Try list.

I've combined GC and LE/discontinued; hope that's not too confusing.

Updated June 2010!


Area 51

The Aurora Spaceship Takes A Dive, Menacing Ionospheric Research Instrument, The Montauk Project, Phantom Time Hypothesis, Reptoid Dominion


Ars Amatoria

Belle Au Bois Dormant, Bordello, L’Ecole des Filles, To A Woman


Bards of Ireland

The Deserted Village, The Host of the Air, Little Bird


Bewitching Brews

The Black Tower, Cathode, Ephemera, The Forest Reverie, The Harlot's House, Kubla Khan, Lurid, Ulalume, Ultraviolet



Green Phoenix, Mechanical Phoenix, White Phoenix



Perfume Oils: The Anti-Saloon League, Boneshaking Antique Velocipede, Dreadful Lies, Gun Moll, Isabella I, Monsieur Petitbled's Frivolous Wheeled Footwear, Semiramis, Tomoe Gozen, Pyramus and Thisbe


Atmosphere Sprays: Citadel of Awesome, Erebos, The Fainting Room, Lair of Nefarious Misdeeds, Lucy's Boudoir, Lucy In Darkness


Bath Oils: Jingu, Semiramis, Tomoe Gozen


Carnaval Diabolique

Agrat-Bat-Mahlaht, Arachnina, The Chapel, Faiza, The Illustrated Woman, Licwiglunga, Sir Hugh Ockram’s Winding Sheet, The Two-Headed Goat


Dark Elements




Catherine, Marquise de Merteuil


The District

Countess Willie, Flora, Josie, Lulu



Aglaea, Czernobog, Hades, Kurukulla, Lilith, Loviatar, Nemesis, Obatala, Persephone, Sophia, Thalia, Xiuhtecuhtli


Four Horrid Novels

Clermont, Horrid Mysteries, Mysterious Warning


Forum Only

The Gladdener of All Hearts, Lilith Victoria



The Buggere Alle This Bible, The East, Fairy Market, Fairy Wine, Famine, The Floating Market, Hastur, Jasmine Cottage, Lady Una, Mr. Croup, Night's Bridge, The Norns’ Farmhouse, Pollution, The Stormhold, The Witch Queen, Yvaine



Carlin, The Death of Autumn, Dia De Los Muertos, Hessian of the Hollow



Season of the Emergence



Kroenen, Liz



Lysander, Oberon, Robin Goodfellow



Kaidan, Mr. Qubit, Yurei



Bony Moon, Candles Moon, Cheshire Moon, Dyan Moon, Falling Leaf Moon, Hunter Moon 07, Mead Moon, Moon of Small Spirits, Penumbra, Sea of Tranquility, Selkie, Sturgeon Moon, Swan Maiden, Tamamo-No-Mae, Tanuki, Thunder Moon, Whirling Wind Moon


Lunar New Year

Really want them all on principle – but with the notes being the same, I wonder how different they really are?

Earth Ox, Earth Rat, Metal Tiger



Luperci (any year), Signior Dildo


Mad Tea Party

Brusque Violet, Croquet, The Knave of Hearts



Grief, Prunella, Rapunzel, Thorns, The Witch's Garden, Rumpelstiltzchen, Roses Pearls and Diamonds


Misc. LEs and Discontinueds

13 (green, navy, Nov09, pink, purple), Beltane 08, Hanami, The Ides of March 10, Ostara, Shadowless Like Silence, St. John’s Eve, Summer’s Last Will and Testament, Under the Harvest Moon



Bloody Mary, Tokyo Stomp


Novel Ideas for Secret Amusements

Couple Consulting an Enpon, The Dream of the Fisherman’s Wife, Ebisu Making Love as Two Octopuses Look On, Eight Views of Actors in Their Dressing Rooms, Flowering Chrysanthemums, Glowing Vulva at Ryogoku Bridge, Harimise, Kiss Amongst Discarded Tissues, Lovers’ Parodies of Sumo Holds, Lovers in a Carp Streamer, Lovers in a Ricefield, Manners Among Men and Women in the Red Light, Men Ringing Bells With Penises, Needlework, Octopus and Abalone Diver, Okayaki, Proseperity of a Country, Ronin, The Spell of Amorous Love, Voyeurs Among the Cherry Blossoms


Ode to Aphrodite / Ares

Aatos Polemoio, Brotoloigos, Enyalios, Glukuprikos, Khalkokorustês, Khrysopêlêx, Makhantis, Melainis, Morphô, Philommeidês, Pontia, Psithyristês, Thouros


Paduan Killer Bees

Durian Fruit Infused Honey with Brandy, Jerusalem Cherry Infused Honey, Paduan Killer Swarm, Yewberry Infused Honey



Quietude (Elixir IV), Succor (Elixir II)



Nostrum Remedium, Slippery Poppy Tincture


A Picnic In Arkham

The High Priest Not To Be Described



The House, Madeline, Prospero, Spirits of the Dead, The Tell-Tale Heart


Rappaccini’s Garden

The Apple of Sodom, Blood Lotus, Bohun Upas, Cobra Lily, Death Cap, Dian’s Bud, Love-In-Idleness, The Zieba Tree


Retail Only

Black Death, Gothic Horror, Banshee Beat



Shirafuji Genta with a Kappa, Wrestler Onogawa Kisaburo Blowing Smoke at a One-Eyed Monster


Salon I

Carceri d’Invenzione, Silence


Salon II

The Great He-Goat, Itasô Kansei Nenkan Jorô No Fûzoku, Judith Victorious, The Lantern Ghost of Oiwa, Lot and His Daughters, La Mort Qui Danse


Salon III

Fox Fires on New Year’s Eve at the Garment Nettle Tree at Oji, Mad Meg, The Spirit of the Komachi Cherry Tree


Salon: Dogs Playing Poker

Riding the Goat


Sin & Salvation

Tzadikim Nistarim



The Heirophant, The Hermit, Strength, The Sun, The Wheel of Fortune



Île de la Tortue, The Isles of Demons, Kumari Kandam, Mag Mell, Prague


Witch Blade

The Curator, Sara Pezzini



Angeronalia, Archangel Winter, Chanukkiyah, Christmas Rose, Joulumuori

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