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Eek! Stuff

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My triple dagger yoga pants and brimstone locket came in the mail today. :wub2:


This is my first BPTP order, and I am in love. The yoga pants are perfect, soft cotton with exactly the right amount of stretch. Can't wait to wear them to class on Tuesday.


And the locket! The locket! ZOMG, it's even better than I imagined. I'm so happy.


Puddin included a bunch of frimps too, including two I've been dying to try, Queen of Sheba and Dragon Tears.


Also, I bought the L'Autunno set from Maidenhell on eBay, and that came today too! Again, I am in love. I may have a new favorite scent. My hubby and I both are crazy about it. We love fall (we got married last October, the date chosen because it's our favorite season). Maidenhell also included a sample of Villainess Autumn Gala soap. I've been dying to try Villainess, and it smells wonderful, so I can't wait to take a shower.


All in all, a fabulous day. Anyway, now I'm off to the weekly wine tasting at our local wine shop.

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