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Weird 'rainbows' and end of holiday moanings.

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Currently smelling of: Eclipse (delicious cinnamon-heavy bottle, mmm), and will smell like Bathed and Infused Italian Wedding Cake after my bath.


I saw something weird in the sky today. It looked like a little piece of rainbow-but it wasn't raining-it was a sunny, hazy day. And rainbows usually form in the part of the sky opposite the sun, usually against the raincloud. This 'fragment of rainbow' was actually in the haze just to the left of the sun, and just stayed there for about 20 minutes and at times it was quite bright, it looked almost like a muted, colourful, second sun, whilst at other times it looked like a faint fragment of rainbow. It was a beautiful but strange phenomenon-I have no idea what it is and what caused it though-I'm guessing it's the same mechanism that causes rainbows but normally hazy clouds don't go all rainbow-y! I just wish I had a camera at the time...


I really am going to miss living at home. No more of my mum's lovely cooking. No more peace and quiet. No more lovely smells. I have to go back to my little room where I have to put up with constant NOISE from the boys-be it extreme bass from their awful hip hop/RnB music (the bass is so high, it's almost tremor-inducing!), having to hear them vomit every morning because they drank too much, hearing them chat loudly and drunkenly in the corridors at 4am, and hearing the guy opposite making his girlfriends scream with the door ajar (I really hope the screaming isn't what I think it is!!) so everyone can hear how much of a ladies' man he is, and the early morning prank fire alarms set off by the drunk boys. I also have to put up with the messiest, greasiest kitchen ever, and the stink of those awful chicken nuggets and fried sausages and George Foreman grilled burgers, and the sheer stupidity (and the smell!) of the boys in my flat-they seem to have evolutionarily reversed back to their ape stage. Their girlfriends are not much better, yapping like deranged chihuahuas at 3am every morning. And the boys smoke weed despite the uber-strict no smoking rule for our halls (so strict, that no candles or incense is allowed in the rooms!) and the stink of the stuff seeps into my room all the time...


But another thing I'm not looking forward to is exams. Loads of exams and tons of coursework. I'm struggling with the maths coursework already, it's giving me real grief! And I have to do physics coursework as well, three lots of it, including one about quantum physics, which is very fascinating, but the maths behind it brain-meltingly difficult! Stuff about one-dimensional boxes and semi-infinite wells and so on...oh, my poor head...


I'm hoping to come back next weekend-to a nice new bottle of UNDERPANTS!!! I am really looking forward to trying these pants on, seriously. And the Raging Rabbit too!

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