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BPAL Madness!
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Category: Sin and Salvation


Normally, I greatly enjoy florals, and this should have been a really great combination: lovely ylang ylang, earthy patchouli, and sultry, amping musk. And I think that if it had just been the patchouli and musk, it might have been fine...but today it's the floral note that kills it. It's like a menage a trois gone horribly, horribly wrong; the primadonna floral sweeps in, greedily hooks into the musk, and gets selfishly, insatiably busy with it while patchouli cries in the corner, wondering what the hell just happened.


When you are wincing every time you lift your wrist anywhere near your nose, it's a bad sign.


So, nope, no Lust for me, thanks.

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