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BPAL Madness!
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Hellcat is wonderful!! Smelling it in the imp it seems like the perfect shot, sweet, delicious and ready to knock you on your butt.


I'm not sure such a food/alcohol smell is a good idea but, WTH I slather it on and wear it to work. By the time I get to work, I can smell a wonderful spicy warm, toasted caramel. It stays pretty much like that all day, after about 6 hours, I can still smell a little, but I'm loving it so much that I reapply a little. Mmmm.


I smell like the world's largest hazelnut candle, but I don't care, I'm in love and I can't believe that nobody says how great I smell. :rantrave: Oh well, if they don't like it, that's tough because I'm going to wearing a lot of this all winter long.

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