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BPAL Madness!
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I've succumbed to temptation...

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and ordered some more imps from a forum member! I'm hoping they don't take too long to get to me, so that I'll have something to discuss on here "for real", soon. Here is what I am getting:





la belle au bois dormant




and the bonus of "embalming fluid", which I asked about and she had! Thanks for the suggestion!


Of course Katie just pointed out to me that I already ordered Juliet. *sigh* I'm just such a ditz... I'm lucky it was only 1 repeat! It is just insane that with the zillions of flavours, I still managed to repeat one. I have the cool spreadsheet, but no Excel at home! And, honestly, I swore I even double checked. LOL. :wub2:


I also decided to make some icons for what I have ordered (didn't finish yet), but I'm not sure anyone liked them :-X I posted them, and everyone sort of ignored it. Oops. I guess I suck! LOL. Here is what I made so far:


theunicorn.jpg shattered.jpg tigerlily.jpg swank.jpg shanghai.jpg


juliet.jpg delirium.jpg lolita.jpg


If you happen to like them, feel free to use them! No need to credit... but please save them to your own computer (no hotlinking). Yay!

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