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BPAL Madness!
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Hey! Watch it! *shakes fist*

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One guy from work flew into town tonight for a meeting tomorrow, and DH and I were going to take him to dinner. We're driving to his hotel and almost got run off the road!


Why is it instinct with some people that when there are 2 lanes going in one direction with no turn bays, and someone's stopped to try to make a left turn, the person behind them simply veers into the right lane? It's like the tradeoff between waiting behind someone and causing an accident is a toss-up. So we're in the right lane and luckily DH swerved in time, was able to hop the curb, not hit the electric pole and pull into a Brothers Chicken parking lot. The other car slowed down, some guy in the passenger seat half-assed waved to us, like "sorry you almost wrecked your car," then pulled away.


DH was so mad, and we didn't even know if our car was damaged at that point, that he took off running down the street waving after the car. I in the meantime was writing down the license number, but after I hopped out of the car I checked the front and everything looked fine. One guy came out of the restaurant making sure the car wasn't hit. He saw DH take off down the street and said, "Damn! He's mad!" Hee!


Anyway, I didn't want to go on about bad drivers. We had a great dinner and I pick him up first thing tomorrow to go to the meeting. So tomorrow will be a beating, then it's the weekend! *boogies in my chair* And my rash went away, so I'm trying to wear my BPAL smellies without being all itchy! I'm wearing Pink Phoenix and I smell goooood. :wub2:

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There must be something in the air making people drive like idiots.... yesterday, I was on my way to work, driving down a residential street, when the truck in front of me, instead of making a complete turn down a side street, decided to swerve around and make a u turn, and came literally inches from taking out my front end. And he looks at me like it's my fault I'm "suddenly" there! Grrrr..... All I could think of was that one of our vans is in the shop right now getting fixed from being backed into by the not so smart girl down the street, we really didn't need another damaged one.


I'm glad you didn'r end up getting hit!

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I'm glad you didn'r end up getting hit!

That's a pretty sad statement on drivers today, where we can greet each other like, "I'm glad you weren't killed today!" :D

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