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Swadhisthana: Sacral

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Swadhisthana: Sacral:

The Glory of Vishnu, The House of Varuna, One’s Own Abode

The Six-Petaled Lotus.

The unconscious, the sweetness of life, desire, pleasure, sexuality, procreation, emotion.

Swadhisthana is the manifestation of passion, the reconciliation, balance and union of the masculine and feminine within ourselves.

In Swadhisthana, we learn to give and receive pleasure. It is the stimulation of the life force, the basis for life itself, and our force on the physical plane.

In this chakra, our samskaras are cloistered, and in this chakra they find expression.

Because of the highly sexual identification of this chakra, many find its temptations and trials very difficult to overcome.


**This is the first Chakra that I've tried, and WOW! I need to try more of them.


In the bottle: A deliciously dark incense blend, very sensual and unique. The reviews say floral and/or citrus? But I got none of either one. I did get a bit of an iodine type of smell too.


On me: Whoa. Well, it works, it is very sexual! On me this was a very sensual incensey blend with a sharp something that my nose couldn't identify (the iodine-ish type smell, but not in a bad way).

At one point (once the chakra started working...), it turned into waffles with a super strong throw, and then went back to being incensey without any waffle traces.

I'll have to reserve this one for special occasions.

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