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Aural Fixation

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Darkity never really got in to music. Even as a fledgling hedonist, she has managed to neglect that one of her five or six senses, hearing.


She listened to talk radio when her contemporaries were tuning in to the 80's oblivious bubblegum pop and/or nihilistic (yet also oddly poppy) electronic underbelly. She did manage to catch a bit of that hair metal infection like everybody else, though.


Then she met The Mister, who as an opening salvo to their courtship, compiled six mixed tapes to express his past, present, and possible future. He has been instrumental (har-dee-har-har) in opening up her ears to the world of sound.


Still, even with his admittedly diverse tastes, she finds herself floating passively along in the wake of whatever catches his interest and can't help but feel... a bit lost and sort of back where she started, musically.


Tonight the Snarks are going to see Thomas Dolby perform. Besides his one song she can think of ("Sah-sah-SCIENCE!") she couldn't remember anything else by him. After The Mister's hilarious recreation of "Europa" she's still stumped. They have one album (probably a best of) that she will cram with before heading out tonight.


Later in the month they will also see Sigur Ros (whom they have seen before, to great effect) and The Editors. Darkity suspects that the audiences will get progressively younger at each concert.


The Snarks are now in a city known for its diverse and rather indy music scene. The pace of trends here (in fashion/lifestyle/food as well as music) is breakneck, yet oddly retro. Darkity wonders if she'll ever get the hang of this.

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She BLINDED me with SCIENCE! That video stands out as one of my '80's MTV memories. Hours of pinheaded bliss, watching videos. What the hell, it was fun.


I love Sigur Ros. How cool that you get to see them. But you do live in a wonderful city with a great music scene. I'm just 45 minutes from Omaha, which weirdly enough, has a bit of an indie scene. Bright Eyes? Conor Oberst? That's all Omaha, ya know. We try to keep up.


I yap about music enough on my blog for you to know, I'm just obsessed.

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Whoo hoo, Sigur Ros. That would be an interesting show to see...I mean if you listen to them they are so eerie and chilly and ...somnolent?

Is that the right word? Like otherworldly Icelandic Lullabyes. Beautiful to listen to, but I can't see them totally rocking out on stage. I don't think you'll have to worry about stage diving and mosh pits :D

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She BLINDED me with SCIENCE! That video stands out as one of my '80's MTV memories. Hours of pinheaded bliss, watching videos. What the hell, it was fun.


Aging geeksters (geek + hipster, yeah?) were out in force last night. It was soo much fun. Thomas Dolby had a big ol' display up with chopped up edits of his old videos (SCIENCE! >wink<) spliced in with live footage from two cameras pointed at his pretty bald head and another microcamera attached to his glasses (so that we could get a Thomas-Eye-View of his electronic tinkering).


Very, very cool. In a geekster sort of way.


Whoo hoo, Sigur Ros. That would be an interesting show to see...I mean if you listen to them they are so eerie and chilly and ...somnolent?

Is that the right word? Like otherworldly Icelandic Lullabyes. Beautiful to listen to, but I can't see them totally rocking out on stage. I don't think you'll have to worry about stage diving and mosh pits :D


The Snarks saw them a few years ago at The Tabernacle in Atlanta fully expecting to fall asleep (they had fallen asleep previously at a Modeski, Martin & Wood concert at the same venue, so it was possible) but Sigur Ros? ROCKED. Granted, it was in a sort of trance-like way... the Snarks were RIVETED. Huuge scrim set up to cover the pipe organ (The Tabernacle is a converted ginormous auditorium style church) upon which they projected all of this dreamy imagery that almost told a story.


Even not knowing any of the words, they were all transfixed. One of the few concerts where Snarky left more invigorated than when she arrived.


Edited to stick to that whole Bob Dole thing. :hug:

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