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Summer SW '08 questions in one place

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So, feelings on used books (& CDs and DVDS for that matter)? used books and cd's are welcome


Treats to spoil myself: bath bombs, BPAL


At the checkstand: can't look at checkout stuff or I impulse buy


BPAL storage: I'm set, as I make storage boxes


Theme or characters: Hello Kitty, Harry Dresden, fairies


What are your favorite flavors? Vanilla, Cherry, citrus, milk chocolate


Which kinds of soaps do YOU like? Arcana? BPTP? Lush? Super Bad? Lush Rock Star, Bohemian. Villainess


Are you up to being gifted with anime? it not really something I am into


Describe yourself?! According to my husband: "an honest, loving fun person who is artistic, with a bit of geek and weirdo thrown in."


What's your favorite flower? Tree? I love roses, black eye susans,azaleas, trees: Chinese maple


Sports: not really into sports, but I do like watching UFC fights with my husband


What's your guilty pleasure? campy movies and tv shows


How do people feel about homemade items? would love homemade items


And what about mix CDs? definitely welcome


Chex Mix or Puppy Chow? chex mix


Pirates or Ninjas? Pirates


Indoor or outdoor person? indoor


Is there anything that you have been wanting to try/buy but haven't? not that I can think of


Is any witchee opposed to "naughty" gifts? no naughty toys, please.


Do you have pets and what kind of gifts would be good for them? 2 dogs and 2 cats, anything would be fine except for rawhides.


Favorite color for wearing? green


Witch remain a secret? Reveal, please.


What sort of crafties do you do and what sort of crafty supplies do you like? I make storage boxes, jewelry. So, cool decoupage stuff, papers, beads


What's Your Most Obscure Interest? depends on what I am reading and where my research leads. I don't have any one thing at the moment that interests me the most.


Religious preferences and patron saints/goddesses/spiritual mentors. I am Christian


Also, if you like gifts related to your religion/philosophy/life outlook, or if that's more private. I would prefer to not receive gifts pertaining to my religion.


LiveJournal: same as the forum, syrenemyst


Video Game console: none


How would you describe yourself? I can pretty laid back about most things, unless I get cheated or someone messes with my friends and family. Then, I can be evil. and like my husband says a little bit of geek with weirdo on top.


Mailbox situation: regular mailbox, packages will be delivered to my house


What’s your favorite genre of books to read? sci-fi/fantasy, romance, vampire novels


What’s a talent you are most proud of? Being able to handle most situations tactfully. My husband enjoys my ability to change any song lyric and make it dirty.


What was your favorite childhood toy? Fisher Price Little People's airplane


How much do you still enjoy playing with toys? I have a six year old, so it's a great excuse to play with them (especially with Webkinz)


What practical goals to you have for the upcoming summer? keeping my daughter occupied


How would you describe your sense of humor? warped


What goodies do you love that you can't usually get? I can't think of anything right now


What is the hottest and coldest it gets where you live?. hottest: high 90's, coldest: single digits


Favourite childhood book(s): The Velveteen Rabbit, The Chronicles of Narnia


Haircolor experimentation: burgundy, red, frosted, staying gray


What things (that you can put in a box) make you giggle wildly, catch your breath, and touch you deeply? things that say someone took the time to thinking about me, silly items, plushies


Things I find offensive? narrowmindedness, dishonesty, ignorance, prejudice, people who stare at me and mock me because I am overweight


Favorite TV shows as a kid: Simba, the White Lion, Felix the Cat, Speed Racer


Do you still read any children's books? I have a six year old, so, yes.


Rice Krispy treats, yes or no? Homemade or prepackaged? yes,either


What's hanging on your walls? I have family photo and some of my own photography up.


cami or corset: neither


maple syrup: no thanks


undies: no thanks


How conventional/weird are you comfortable with? I'm comfortable with both.


candles or incense: candles or tarts




piercings: Three holes in my left earlobe, one in my right,


most coveted BPALs at the moment: Pinched with Four Aces


phobias: snakes, bugs


Anything you really absolutely don't want to get? Socks, Tea


What kind of socks do you like and wear? I don't like socks


First concert: a friend begged me to go to The Monkees reunion concert with her so she didn't have to go alone. My favorite: Sting in Syracuse in 1988


New Music: none right now, but I am open to suggestions


Who are your favorite Disney characters? Genie, Eeyore, Sebastian, Jack Sparrow


Great weekend: getting to sleep in, laze about and enjoy my family


Online games: Webkinz


makeup: no thanks


Lip Balm? no thanks


coffee/tea/hot beverages? hot cocoa/chocolate


Are you a good witch or a bad witch? depends on my mood


Homebaked goodies? Yay or nay? yay!!!


Lip balm, yay or nay? nay


Do you like hair things? Hair sticks? Clips? Ties? What kind?I love hair sticks and scrunchies


Song that when it comes on the radio, you look around guiltily, roll up the windows, and then sing along to at top volume? nothing really. The cheesier, the better. I love turning it up and singing as loud as I can. Since my daugther is usually with me, it's fun for both of us.


Deadly sins? Wrath, mostly


What did you sing along to in the shower this morning? SpongeBob theme song. (It was the last thing I heard before I showered today.)


Did you ever attend a midnight showing of the Rocky Horror Picture Show? yes

Do you know the callbacks?some of them

Did you come dressed as a particular character? no, I was never that adventurous.


How much personal swapping/purchasing do you plan on doing this round, and what if your witch gets you something you've already ordered? I don't plan on doing a lot, but I can't say. I wouldn't mind if I got a duplicate of something.


How important is BPAL in your Switch Witch packages? Since I do a lot of decant circles, there really isn't a lot that I am looking for, but I would love to try anything my SW wants to send.


"Used" BPAL? Ugly BPAL? Empties? Used or ugly is fine, I don't need any empties though.


If you could meet anyone living and anyone dead, who would it be? Sting and DaVinci


If you could take on an existing superhero identity: Elektra.


TV shows you wish hadn't been canceled: Buffy, Angel, Forever Knight, Moonlight, Blood Ties, The Kindred ( I see a trend here)... oh Firefly... a ton more I can't think of right now.


Hats!: not really me. My fat head looks terrible in them. But, I love those newsboy caps. They're really cute.


One package or several: Ideally, I would love to get packages every day! I mean, who wouldn't. But, I am absolutely fine with however my SW wants to do it, because I am sure the package (s) is going to be awesome!


Tarot: I'm no into tarot cards at all


genetic brushes with celebrity? Anne Murray is a cousin a few times removed and I am related to artist Diego Rivera, but I am not exactly sure how.


Fun facts about me? I trained for a few years to be an opera singer


Feet: I hate feet


Song on repeat in my head? An So It Goes, by Billy Joel


My appearance in general: Medium brown hair (with a lot of gray), 5'5",fair skin, of Spanish descent. I am severely overweight. I have always been on the heavier side (between 185- 200), but after I had my daughter, my weigh ballooned to almost 300lb. I found out I had thyroid disease and diabetes. The side effects of one of my medications crippled me for a year, I couldn't walk at all. Then I went into a severe depression. My max weight was almost 500 lbs a year and a half ago. With a new doctor, new meds and a nutrtionist I am now almost 350 and Still working. I am embarrassed to post a photo of myself, especially with all the beautiful women here, but if I can find one I really like


My job: I am a stay at home mom


Dreams I have for the future: Get and stay healthy


Issues that I will get on my soapbox about: prejudice of any sort


What are the general patterns in your house / bedroom? Is it filled with spirals, cirlces, geometric and curvy shapes? I just realized I have no patterns. Everything is solid except for the photgraphy on the walls.


Webcomics: none


Defend your position on Coke vs Pepsi!both taste great and both are horrible for you.


What gift do you want to give everyone in the world? compassion and common sense


Are you lactose-intolerant? no.


What do you find lucky? whatever seems to give me courage at the time I need it


Hoohoo hair dye?no thanks


Pasties/tassles?no thanks


If I could design my own perfume oil? it would smell just like pinched with four aces... sigh..


Secret crush? I can't tell, then it won't be a secret

Childish secret? I like jumping in puddles. My 6 yr old thinks it's great. :wub2:

Beauty secret?don't look in the mirror, drinks tons of water, sleep

Oz Books:no

Humor: dry,sarcastic, silly

Cookbooks: no, I have too many now as it is.

Alice in Wonderland: no

Harder to get DVD wants:none at this time

Dr. Who: yes

Jack Black: hysterical

Monty Python:yes

Alternative medicine: Yes

Ginger or sesame? neither

Bath textures: Not greasy.

Hair things/sticks/barrettes? Scrunchies, nice elastics, hairsticks

What’s your favorite genre of books to read? romance, mystery, vampire stories

Makeup? none

Lotion:nothing heavy

Random fact: lol. I know tons of random facts, yet I can't think of one thing to put for an answer here.


Would you prefer one full bottle of a BPAL you love, or an imp pack of scents from your wishlist? Whatever my witch chooses as the gift is from her.


One big package vs. several little ones: Ditto the last answer. I have to defer to my witch because she knows how she wants to divide it up.

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