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Archetypes and Animal Totems

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I have quite a bit of experience with divination, and have found it to be particularly accurate for me. I use cards, stones, or huacas (sacred objects).


Archetypes determined by the method described in Caroline Myss’s Sacred Contracts; assigned to houses through divination; animals determined through divination.


House 1: Ego & Personality

Archetype: Shapeshifter

Animal: Swan


House 2: Life Values

Archetype: Messiah

Animal: Wolf


House 3: Self-expression

Archetype: Monk

Animal: Dog


House 4: Home

Archetype: Victim

Animal: Hummingbird


House 5: Creativity & Good Fortune

Archetype: Hermit

Animal: Salmon


House 6: Occupation & Health

Archetype: Prostitute

Animal : Owl


House 7: Marriage & Relationships

Archetype: Saboteur

Animal: Turkey


House 8: Other People’s Resources

Archetype: Student

Animal: Raven


House 9: Spirituality

Archetype: Nature Child

Animal: Turtle


House 10: Highest Potential

Archetype: Knight

Animal: Elk


House 11: Relationship to the World

Archetype: Judge

Animal: Prairie Dog


House 12: The Unconscious

Archetype: Scientist

Animal: Jaguar


Animal Totems (David Carson method)

Determined through divination, borne out in meditation and life experience.


East: guide to one’s greates spiritualchallenge and guardian to one’s path to illumiatnation.

Otter (Woman Medicine)


South: protector of the child within; reminder of when to be humble and when to trust; balancer of innocence in one’s personality.

Turtle (Mother Earth)


West: leader to one’s personal truth and inner answers and guide to one’s path to one’s goals.

Butterfly (Transformation)


North: giver of wise counsel; reminder of when to speak and when to listen; reminder to be grateful for everyday blessings.

Raven (Magic)


Above: teacher in how to honor the Great Star Nation; reminder that one came from the stars and to the stars will return; guardian of the dreamtime.

Horse (Power)


Below: teacher about the Inner Earth and how to stay grounded and on the Path.

Skunk (Reputation)


Within: teacher of finding one’s heart’s joy and being faithful to one’s personal truths; protetor of one’s sacred space.

Wolf (Teacher)


Right Side: protector of one’s male side; center of one’s courage and warrior spirit.

Crow (Law)


Left Side: protector of one’s female side

Dog (Loyalty)


There are, of course, other Power Animals and Omen Animals in my life! Spider, Hawk, and Phoebe come to mind.

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