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BPAL Madness!
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Popular theory stated that Spring had indeed Sprung, but she couldn't help but feel mild bemusement tinged with her sense of personal tragedy as she looked out over the river during her morning commute.


Or at least, what she could see of the river. There was a solid, wintry gray wall of fog taunting the entire city from about halfway across the bridge. The repressive haziness continued all the way north to her workplace.


She couldn't see the tender Spring colors asserting themselves in the landscape. Her fellow commuters had all sunk back down into layers of woolen browns, blacks, and grays. Shockingly pale kneecaps, anklejoints, and collarbones retreated back into the warmth of cavelike clothing.


The weathermen all promised a return to sun, to life. She warily eyed the flat sky and felt the smallest flicker of hope.


She's wearing Midnight Mass to match the weather.

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The title of your entry reminded me of an Ani DeFranco song, for some reason. I am so damn obsessed with songs and singers and poems the last couple o' days. It's just nuts. I think my more creative side has been repressed so much due to my job that everything is spewing forth. Anyway, a lot of your entries kind of remind me of Ani in her pensive moods. I like Ani a lot, so I mean that as a big compliment.


It's been cloudy here for a couple of days, in the land of sunshine. It's a damn sunny place where I live. People are already crabby about the clouds, and the sun always comes out in the afternoon. I think you're in a much cloudier part of the country than I am, but it's greener, where you are, also.


May the sun visit you very, very soon!

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:D but Ani's, like, awesome and stuff. (Also, much better looking bald, or at least that's what Snarky surmises.) Gwarsh.


Call it Murphy's Law of Speaking Ill of the Weather, call it whatcha like, but it is freaking sunny and near seventy degrees outside right now as Snarky types this up... in her windowless "work area", bathed in harsh fluorescent lighting.


She dares not wander into the front hallway lest she get a glimpse of what she currently cannot have.


Thankfully, it will be hers in about half an hour.

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