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BPAL Madness!
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:) I took our current imp horde into work to let someone have a sniffle. I ended up roping 4 people into sniffles. 1 had sniffled before but we've had the imps from pugmom since then. 3 of the 4 people are interested in doing an order!! Our order is in as of yesterday but if each of them want something I can put the order in for them. I know 2 of them (all 3?) don't have Paypal so I've offered to put the order in for them if they want. One is going for 5 imps so far, one for a bottle of Vampire Tears and one for a bottle of Phobos. I've passed the BPAL site on to all 3, I think 2 of them will look into it. :)


On the :( side, I got an email from the one I ordered Diwali from saying "if you haven't ordered it don't, order Rose Essence". Um, BPAL doesn't just have a rose essense. I tried to tell her that yesterday when she mentioned it. And when I told her that & asked if she still wanted the 5ml of Diwali she said yes. I know I can hold onto it for a couple months and swap it once it's off list (more likely to go when it's off list) but really, we are out that $ and wouldn't have ordered it if I didn't have to.


So :lol: & :D for enabling (we let one person try my wife's Phobos and gave the other person the Vampire Tears imp we had been gifted with). And :) & :D for enabling coworkers so that we can do group orders and keep our shipping costs down.

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