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BPAL Madness!
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Category: Diabolus


In the imp: Strongly sweet and fruity.


Wet: Hellooooo Raspberry! It was incredibly strong and sweet, and, oddly enough made me think of 'generic candle smell'...that scent that most candles seem to have to me. I guess I've hung around a lot of berry-scented candles. :)

Dry: This was the part that has changed the most. I wore this every day for over a week, just because I *wanted* to try to like this scent, or at least give it a fair shake. Initially, it dried as pure raspberry -- sickly sweet and very 'childish', in that I felt like I was about 15 years too old to be wearing this scent. :) As the days passed, however, I noticed that there was more of a mingling of orange with the raspberry...that was actually a *lot* more pleasing to me. And today, I've noticed that the scent has grown sweeter still, like faint cherries, but unlike the raspberry, it isn't annoying.


Verdict: This scent just isn't for me. It's certainly not bad, and I would advise anyone who is initially put-off by it to give it a chance over time, particularly if you otherwise enjoy cherry-like scents. But there are other scents that I like a lot better.


I'll quit beating this dead horse (or imp) and put it away; perhaps I will think of someone else who would give it the love it deserves.


What I liked: The orange (when it briefly showed itself).


What I didn't like: The raspberry. Just too sickly-sweet for me.


Also, my skin just seems to eat up fruity scents. Waaah! So sad. :lol:

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