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BPAL Madness!
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Category: Excolo


In the imp: Oh my goodness, this was a beautiful scent. It actually brought tears to my eyes for a moment because it was so lovely. Very sweet, definitely redolant with peach, though I could also smell the warm tones of the musk and, I am assuming, amber around it as well.


Wet: Very sweet and peachy. The fruitiness and sweetness predominated.


Dry: The muskier tones come back, but the peach is definitely not to be undermined, and conquers all. It is *almost* a little cloying.


Verdict: I really like this scent, though I am almost thinking that it would be better as a room scent, as unfortunately I think it tends to get a little sour and cloying on me. :joy: I'll be willing to try more of it, though.


What I liked: The peach, and I think I liked the amber.


What I didn't like: The fact that yes, I think musk likes to misbehave a little on me. Though thankfully it's just a little.


Overall, I can live with this scent, I just don't feel like it's *perfect* on me. It's so gorgeous, though, that I can't give up on it. I wonder if it would work in a locket, where it is warmed by me but not in contact with my skin. I'll keep the imp around but hold off on getting a bottle for a while, I think.

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