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'tis I

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For anyone who would be doing some back reading in my blog, first I have to say, "Why?" Then I have to say thank you for reading this far back in my blog. What are you looking for? Anyway, you won't find photos of me anymore. For reasons I won't get into, I decided to take them down. I think my descriptions are pretty vivid, let your imagination do the sight-seeing. It's more fun that way!


This is me. I've never posted my photo in the thread where everyone posts their photo. Most everyone on this forum is very young and very gorgeous. Sometimes I feel so ancient, but hell, I'm immature, so that makes up for my chronological issues. I cropped my friends out of the photos. While I'm choosing to put my picture up online, but I'm not infringing on my friend's privacy by including them in the shots. Let's see... I've been told I look like Frances McDormand, Wendie Malick and Jane Fonda. I dunno.


I think I look like I'm at a former Aerosmith groupie reunion in this picture. For the record, I never was an Aerosmith groupie, but if I had been, I would have been all about Joe Perry:


I looked subdued and confused here, and I did have a migrane. I was also sitting on the floor talking to a 2-year-old. However, it is a damn fine shot of the highlights I had put in my hair and I love my new hairdresser. Let's give Brandi a round of applause for her handiwork.



So that is me, patron saint of lost dogs and lover of all things that look and smell really really nice. If you ever see me around, do stop and say hey...

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You're gonna have to wrestle Beth for Joe Perry! B)


I was expecting you to have a Louise Brooks bob, however, I'm thrilled that you're a brunette, because the international (or midwestern?) woman of mystery and scanty underthings that I pictured you to be had to be a brunette!

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That Storyville icon is very, very nice, minilux. I want those stockings. Now that the legislative session is over, but it's not totally warm here yet, I'm going to wear my knee-length dress shorts to work with fishnets and high heels.


And I LOVE Louise Brooks and I used to have a long version of her bob. It was a bit of a domme haircut and I had the hair color very, very dark. My bathroom is a shrine to LuLu; I have no fewer than 5 photos of her in that room.


I was going to say that if Beth brought William Peterson (Grissom on CSI), I'd let her have Joe Perry, but I recall reading that she likes Gris also. Jeez, such good taste... B)

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Well, in that case, you ladies can duke it out over Gris and I'll take Joe Perry! B)


And since I can think of no safer place to put it than in someone else's blog, here's a picture of my boyfriend and me in L.A. a couple of years ago.



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Valentina: You're totally gorgeous! So you fit right in. B)


Minilux: Lucky you, dating Christopher Walken... And that shirt is such an awesome color on you!

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thanks, antimony, you are sweet...


And I think that's a fuchsia shirt that the Rapscallion in Fuchsia Tights is wearing in her photo! I know one other person who's a bit fuchsia-fixated, and I think that color is meant to be worn by, and look the very best on, the most vivid of the human creatures! B)

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Alas, it's not fuchsia, but flaming red. I'm not really a fuchsia person, but Bard didn't want my hilarious title, so I took it for myself. I only wish I had the coloring to wear flaming tomato red sort of colors. I'm a total fiend for red. B)

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Gorgeous! I can see your personality in the groupie picture!


(Not sure if that says more about you, or me by who I think you are...)


I'd vote for a cross between Frances McDormand and Mary McDonnell. Oh, and Brandi rocks, definitely a keeper. I'm still looking for a replacement for my last hack-job "artist" who did this to me:


I call them Hitler Bangs because they are THAT BAD.


minilux, neat specs! And while I understand the brilliant smile on your face, I can't help but feel badly for our paramour... who seems to be preoccupied with the tenuous hold he has on your leg there... or maybe it's just the depressing lack of cowbell in our current aural landscape?

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I also have a mental picture of minlux's boyfriend, always trying to keep a tenuous hold on the rapscallion, even if she's in bright red and momentarily holding still! B)


darkity, I got the Hitler treatment from a hairdresser that I'd gone to for years. She'd done the cool long bobs and all that good stuff on me, then went over the edge and did choppy bangs. Brandi took one look at them and went: "hmmmm.... different." If you're like me, your bangs grow really fast, and that's the good news!


Mary McDowell? I've never heard that one before, but that's a compliment! I like her, especially in "Passion Fish," where she got to smooch David Strathairn, the lucky bitch. He's not aging that well (of course, I think he's authentic enough not to go for he cosmetic surgery), but he was a hot tamale baby in "Passion Fish."

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Mary McDowell? I've never heard that one before, but that's a compliment! I like her, especially in "Passion Fish," where she got to smooch David Strathairn, the lucky bitch. He's not aging that well (of course, I think he's authentic enough not to go for he cosmetic surgery), but he was a hot tamale baby in "Passion Fish."


I'm an unapologetic Battlestar Galactica fan, and her character (President Roslyn) is one of my most favorite. Strong, gorgeous and fierce (in the lioness sort of way, not the America's Next Top Model sort of way), able to stand up to all the military-testosterone-laden-types (women included) without losing her grace.


Well, and she has awesome hair in the show.


...and now I have to add "Passion Fish" to my list. Strathairn hasn't aged well at all, but maybe he can sort of slide into the intellectual side of the same cragginess that Robert Redford has commandeered.


Everytime I think of male actors of a certain age who start having work done... I think of Mickey Rourke. B) That should never happen to anyone else. Ever.


As for the hair... I have very thin, but very superfluous hair. It grows quickly and turns any crappy hair cut into an indistinct shaggy bob, no matter what. The hitler bangs are already less... fascist? Better. B)

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