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House P0rn

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The Snarkys are addicted to HGTV. They watch famlies in their intimate spaces, delving up the tender secrets of their everyday lives to intruding strangers. They watch as these odd bedfellows work in sweaty, dusty, passionate union to create something better with their homes.


The Snarkys dream of doing it too. They are beginning to believe that this might become their backdrop. Cue bamp-chicka-bamp music:


Where all the magic happens...



But wait? What's behind this little hobbit door?




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darkity, it that you seductively posing on the floor behind the hobbit door? It that the upstairs of the little abode you've been looking at, or another one? Details, details, details... I want them!!! B)

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darkity, it that you seductively posing on the floor behind the hobbit door? It that the upstairs of the little abode you've been looking at, or another one? Details, details, details... I want them!!! B)


Snarky didn't mean to be obscure. These pics are of the converted attic/master bedroom suite of the house they're trying to buy! Eeee! The Snarks have never had an honest to goodness grown up WOW bedroom before. And yes, that is cheesecake courtesy of the authoress. B)


Oh my god, that's a bedroom with *potential*!!! And the hobbit hole is crazy-awesome.


It was so difficult for Snarky to not just blurt out WE'LL TAKE IT the moment she spotted the first little arched opening into the doggie hidey hole.


The previous owners made a half bath just to the side of the bedroom... with enough room for a garden tub. B) The Snarkys' minds boggle at the possibilities.

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I think that hobbit hole is about as cute as it gets, and I love little dormer bedrooms like that one. Damn, I want you to get that house, so we can have our own ongoing version of a HGTV show here in the blogs! B)

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Snarky needs to find that Gothic Martha Stewart site again. She is a "don't-it-yourselfer", but has aspirations of self-contained home improvement.

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