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BPAL Madness!
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Everybody Limbo!

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Snarky's still in that purgatorial "will they or won't they?" place, but the expected immediate dismissal of the Snark's addendum to their offer on the house did not happen.


So they've entered a counter-counter-offer suggesting a credit for all the little fixes they listed on the addendum.


She hasn't dared to look at the 70+ photos she took of the house during the home inspection. She's been trying to let go already of all the future days she was projecting into all those fanciful rooms.


It didn't help that Snarky had the whole day off to wallow and sulk. She did manage to get out for a walk to the library (and, ahem, the LUSH store) but now she's back at home with an hour to burn before The Mister makes it home.


Must. Be. Strong. Don't look at the pictures!


She's going to go and knit in a corner.

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