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Turkey Day

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Turkey day wasn't awful. My aunt wouldn't change my family's meeting n eat time because my lazy ass cousin "couldn't wait that long" so we just went to DH's. I went to my gramma's at like 9:30 last night because she stays up til 3am just like me. :) I found out that my asshole cousin didn't even show up so I'm even more pissed at him. Jerk's on welfare, won't pay my gramma rent ($100 a month for a 2 story house with at least 3 bedrooms and 1 bathroom), won't work, but has money for beer and cigarettes. Sometimes, I hate my family.


DH's wasn't too bad but I played with the nephew and pretty much ignored everyone else. I made a point of say that the best part of JJ(nephew) was that he has a return policy. DH's mom wasn't amused. He's getting cuter and is trying to talk now. He won't say yes when you ask him a question; he'll smile REALLY big and giggle. If you ask him to say yes, he'll shake his head no. I assumed he wouldn't say Jess either because it's so similar to yes but he tried. I am now "jah" :ack: and DH is "uncah". Pretty cute, I must say. I forced DH to hold him muahahaha!


I'm annoyed with them all over again because they wanted Toys R Us giftcards or money for today so JJ's mom could go and buy what they need/want for Christmas instead of telling everyone something. Okay, that's cool if that's what they wanna do. I was under the impression that they were going to wrap it all and let the little nerd open them at DH's parents' place on xmas but nope! So now I have no idea what our money is going to and wtf is the fun of having an 18 month old at xmas if you can't see him tear into stuff and giggle a lot? Jerks.


How was your Thanksgiving? ;)

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