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Lost dog karma, or spirit messenger?

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I think I must have lost dog karma. Or maybe some lost dogs have valentina karma. Anyway, I got up this morning and looked out the window, and there was a German Shepherd-type dog running loose across the street. No collar, looking very lost. I went out and called it, but it was scared and ran off. I called animal control and told them to go looking for it. I don't live that near to a main street, but if the dog went about 6 or 7 blocks, it would encounter a busy street.


This afternoon after I went to lunch with my friend, I decided to drive back down to my office, because I'd left something there that I wanted to take home. I was kind of in a state yesterday when I left, and would have forgotten my head if it wasn't attached to me. So I'm crossing the intersection of a really busy street, and there's a smallish, German Shepherd type dog, running around the intersection. I turned and watched as people drove around it or slowed down, but didn't help it. I flipped a "u" turn and went back, pulled over, got out and got the dog. A man was right behind me trying to do the same thing, and we took turns hold the pooch as we waited for animal control. This dog was a young fella, collar but no tags, just been neutered, a sweet handsome pooch.


So was that my lost dog karma in action? And is it me, or was it a little weird that I saw two lost German Shepherd-type dogs in one day? They just wandered into my path. It seemed really symbolic, and considering my mood of the last couple of days, it really makes me wonder what that was all about.


I have a book on animal totems, and dogs are commonly associated with the various goddesses, especially huntress goddesses such as Artemis/Diana, Sarama (Vedic mother of the Dogs of Yama) and the Hounds of Annwn, the Celtic goddess. Dogs are seen as symbols of dependability, loyalty and faithfulness and my book says whenever the spirit helper is near, you will feel strong emanations of love surrounding you.


Lost dog karma or a spirit messenger, I'm glad I was able to help at least one avoid death by a 50-MPH SUV. I do loves the poochies!! :blink:

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Yay for valentina saving the pup! B) I've totally got the lost and/or sick animal karma. Unfortunately, it's very hard to catch a dog that doesn't want to be caught, so I don't have that great of a record of actually catching them. One time, years ago, I was waiting for the bus at a very busy intersection and this big old shepherd/husky sort of mix comes ambling down the freakin' busy street. I was like wtf?, so I grabbed his collar, which was easy because he was pretty old and slow and out of it. Since I didn't have a car and didn't think a cabdriver would take me anywhere with a smelly old dog, the two of us ended up walking almost 3 miles to Anti-Cruelty.

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What a great story, minilux... you and the old dawg took a bit of a stroll! I swear, dogs have radar for certain people -- the guy who stopped at the same time that I did and ended up calling animal control had their number on speed dial because he's always finding lost animals.


I always say that if dogs, little kids and old people think you're trustworthy, you must have good energy goin' on! B)

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darkity, the answer is that I have never, ever found a lost German Shepherd-type dog before. Lots of the rambling types like Labs, Border Collies, Aussie Cattle Dogs, even littler dogs like Cocker Spaniels and minature Schnauzers, but never a German Shepherd. So that made it extra weird yesterday.


And I like kitty cats too... there's a couple feral cats in my neighborhood (minor rant: it really pisses me off when people move and can't take their cats with them, so they just let them loose -- what assholes) and there's always a tidy little bowl of kitty chow on my front porch in a nice secluded spot. I just can't have cats because the Bassetress (as I call my Basset) would make like rather difficult for a cat and I have a cockatiel named Herb D. Byrd who rides around on me a lot.

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Hee. I just figured there might have been a recent aberration in the Shepherd genes or something... or maybe they were programmed to start to want to wander after so many generations or something...


I don't get people who abandon their cats either. Ours are spoiled rotten and had more expensive plane tickets to Oregon than we did.


My favorite aunt has a basset/beagle mix named Buddy. He is the most soulful dog I've ever met. Also shockingly quiet.


Thank you for feeding the kitties!


PS lovin' your birdie's name. Hee!

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