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to sleep, perchance to dream

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Well, there's nothing like a good night's sleep to revive a person and my dream state must have cleansed my psyche of last night's abnormally wistful and weepyish fit.


I have the day off work, I'm going to meet a friend at a brewpub at noon for beer and burgers, and then I'm going to run off and enjoy the sunshine.


I would gather that BPAL cultists have really vivid dreams. Even if you didn't before, I'd wager that you did after you started using BPAL, because I think it has that effect. I think Beth is a shaman.


But dreams are great. Wild-ass shit can just whorl up out of the depths of the subconsciousness and you can have a real show for a while. (Does my adoration of the movie "Waking Life" make more sense now?)


I can tell the difference between "junk dreams," when my brain is simply blowing off the residuals of my day, and "big dreams," where I'm trying to tell myself something very important. I have gotten more efficient in my big dream process, for I had two of them last week, and they were brisk events. They got right to the point and I woke up from the power of the message.


I know a bunch of y'all are the same way, aren't you?


Dreams are fucking amazing. Ever had one that was a harbinger of something that was going to happen? That sense of deja vu, once it happens in your waking life, is pretty wild. However, I've gotten to the point that when it really happens, I think to myself: "Oh hell, I knew that!"


Did anyone else love "The Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind" as much as I did? You can pretend you've wiped your brain's slate clean -- but your heart still remembers. There's an enormous number of nerves in the heart center, I believe the concentration in that area is second only to the brain. I don't think their functions are entirely physiological machine-control, just like the brain isn't all about being a mechanical control center. There's something going on in the heart center that just doesn't articulate into words right away, but the emotional message is very clear.


I still am in a bit of a mood, aren't I? Well hell, that's OK. Tell me your weirdest dreams and make me laugh. Or tell me your saddest dreams, or most profounds dreams. I love 'em.


And for today and every day, smell divine and feel beautiful... someone always notices.

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I had a dream once that a squirrel, high up in a tree, was throwing buckeyes at my grandfather and me. The squirrel beaned my grandpa right in the eye and he shouted "AW, NUTS!" I woke up right then and ever since that has been my favourite expression.


Ok, not exactly hilarity inspiring, but thinking of it always makes ME smile!

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There's one crazy dream that I must have had around 20 years ago, that I've never forgotten. When I lived at home, I was constantly having dreams about people breaking in, probably because my brothers and I were always picking the locks on the basement windows when we would get locked out, so I knew how freakin' easy it was to get in our house. Anyway, I dreamed that it was David Bowie trying to climb in the window and he was wearing a wetsuit and carrying a large knife. I'm sure he was going to kill me. B) Why David Bowie?, you may very well ask, and I would have to say that I have had a lifelong troubled relationship with Mr. Bowie that I will relate at another time. B)


I absolutely love dreaming! I think I have pretty vivid dreams every night, but lately, if I don't try to remember them soon after waking, then they're pretty much lost, though strange snippets will drift into my mind throughout the day.

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Damn it, minilux! You've reminded me that the only time I ever had a dream that I was pregnant, I was with child by Eric Clapton. Eric wasn't even in the dream, but I was discussing with a friend that I hoped the baby would grow up to be an awesome guitar player.


I also had a dream a few years ago that I was car shopping with Ernest Hemmingway in Idaho.


There was a yummy one a year or so ago that I was out for a walk on a bike path and William Peterson (Grissom on "CSI") was waiting for me, came up and wrapped his arms around me. I was pissed when I woke up.


A few years ago, the mayor of the city I live in was a guy with really bad acne scars. I had a dream that I was in a custom sign shop and the owner was painting the mayor's face on a "Welcome" sign. I asked him if he was going to sit the sign out in a hailstorm so it would be more realistic. (As a friend said about that one: "you had to go to sleep to tell yourself a really good joke, didn't you?")

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Oooh... famous people dreams! I don't think I've ever had them...


But I dream about famous buildings. Wonder if that's a fetish... archiphilia?


I had the requisite flying dreams as a child (more like impossibly high leaps followed by gliding). I remember having a last one in my teens where I was trying to fly, but couldn't do more than a sort of floating, gliding thing about six inches off the ground. I kept yearning for the tree tops, but I just couldn't get up there.


When I woke up I realized I had had my last flying dream.


The mind (and the heart) is a wonderful puzzle. I love how it works to right itself in our sleep. Sometimes I enjoy the "junk" dreams because it's interesting to see what has lodged up in there that needs shaking loose.

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Yikes! If I ever start having dreams about being pregnant, I'm gonna need some pharmaceutical intervention. I'll take my psychotic murderer and teeth falling out any day over pregnancy dreams. B)

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Dreams are fantastic! I've been having some good dreams recently-the sort of dreams you don't want to wake up from. I have these dreams where I'm reading a book or watching a movie, and I end up inside the story or the movie, and then I'm told by the characters that i'm going to be shown somethings that will bring great wisdom, or I'm about to see something that will change my life, or will look into the archive of the world's ancient knowledge...or see clues as to what will happen in the future. And then of course I wake up. B)


The only dreams I hate are the end of the world nightmares. I had one recently where the earth's crust totally disintegrated and volcanoes erupted everywhere and I saw it happen and was terrified. That was nasty. I've had a lot of apocalyptic nightmares-especially ones where I (and sometimes my family and friends) either survive the cataclysm, or I somehow bring it on because of some stupid mistake...

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I had a great really mystical dream about 4 or 5 years ago that I still remember. It takes too long to tell, but damn, it was so awesome. I think it was almost life-changing.


I have a girlfriend who had a doozer of a dream, where her hair dryer was a time-travel machine and she and her parents turned it on and went back to Pearl Harbor to watch it get bombed.

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