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BPAL Madness!
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IGMO!... Well, my Mum did!

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As I'm at University at the moment, I get my BPAL orders (the Lab ones, at least) sent home, for a couple of reasons, mainly the shipping time fluctuations, but also housemates here are useless and never answer the door for post so I'd have to collect it from the PO every time. So every time a Lab order arrives home I get a bewildered email of "Some Alchemy potions have arrived for you" :)


European Order!
Ordered: October 30th

CnS: November 14th

Received: November 19th


Black Forest

The Lurid Library

The Snow Storm - with a picture label, as far as my Mum described it to me.


...and seven frimps! (Namaste, Vampire Tears, Villain, Juke Joint, Seance and Oberon.)


My Mum said that she liked The Snow Storm, and that it "smells wintery". I won't get to smell any of these until December 1st, when the parents are coming up to see my concert and bringing a few things, like a warm dressing gown, and smellies!

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