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BPAL Madness!
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So i usually have titles that all fit together under one roof.. this is all messy and crap but ill work on it later ;D



Knave of hearts + Rose Red 2007

Oh god. I love this. I used to think the rose component in Knave of hearts was far too subtle. After the drydown of this combination, these two scents work ridiculously well together. It's... a very warm, luxurious blackberry pie conversing with rich, juicy rose petals- green with no green! The rose still takes a backseat as a secondary scent- but the intensity in comparison to the original is almost like it glorified itself and is bleeding it all out. yum T_T




Whip + Lady Macbeth+ Gingerbread Poppet 2007

hah... hah.. hah. This now smells like the aged Snake Oil i've been covetting since i got it. God. I can't really smell the dusty roase scent from Whip on the drydown.. but i get a lot of the berry and spice.. and Lady Macbeth definitely has more character. Well that was a quick fix X3 Study time ._.




Machu Picchu + Blood Mary

I applied the green tropical, Machu Picchu first and layered a smaller quantity of Bloody Mary on top of that. I get an effervescent punch of coconut and berry wine. The citrus is a very dominant note and i can pick up the scent of a green banana peel playing with said coconut. The warmth of the Bloody Mary really melts underneath- almost like a creamy bath melt. Ugh..It's a very lutterly, sparkling and tropical.



Spellbound + Bastet

On the hand i applied both Spellbound and Bastet(first) on, i get a really strong Musky incense which is Spellbound .. and no sign of the cherry amber scent.

I rubbed both my wrists together and my right hand has now burst with this harmony of rose incense amber mix x.x . It's kind of powdery, but it's soft, smokey, and slightly spicey and sweet. Baby powder, cherry incense, amber. Oh how i love amber notes. X3


I need to send a parcel today. I wanted to note this down > >; because i don't intend to try it on again too soon. But my essay. And my week exam! and two more assignments. gah.

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