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BPAL Madness!
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Well Huh!

I found something pink that I like (Pink Moon does not count). I love the SheDevil skin on the forum. It's refreshing and differnt. Plus the chick up in the corner makes me grin. Nice job!


Anyone else out there like the newest South Park episode: 140 The Return of The Chef ?


Talk about a cross between wrong and hilarious. I loved the analogy to Scientology they made with the Super Adventure Club. I am still bummed out that Isaac Hayes left. Especially after much eairlier he claimed that he wasn't mad/offended by Trey and Matt. I believe it was something like, "The thing you have to understand with Matt and Trey,They Lampoon everybody and if you take that s*&t seriously I'll sell you the Brooklyn bridge for $2" On Opie & Anthony's interview on XM.


Oh well. At least Kenny is still there.

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