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I had to create a new category so that I can rave about new (to me) fragrances that are in the "wow" category. It's getting so that I will only keep fragrances that make me say "wow" and the rest go right up for sale or swap. But some "wows" are more rave-worthy than others.


Top new love (and lust, since it has been discontinued): Sugar Dust fragrance by Sweet Melissa. I got this in a swap, in the form of Whipped Body Cream (the cream is whipped, not the body, so don't look at me like that). WOW! When I opened the jar and started to apply it, I almost had to physically restrain myself from licking it off the backs of my hands, it was THAT luscious. Oh, my...


So I've been keeping the jar at my desk, and putting it on as often as I can justify (yes, I'm going to have the smoothest hands and forearms in the county before long)... and wondering how I might get hold of some more. WANTSSS the precioussss... I would definitely like to find more of this cream, as well as other products in this same fragrance.


New love and semi-lust: Wylde Ivy's Sandcastles fragrance. I think it was a summer scent this year. Now, I like coconut notes anyway, but there's something special about this one that makes me say "wow!" and want more. Maybe it's the ginger? I'd like to find other products in this fragrance as well.


Renewed love: BPAL's Antique Lace. I had an imp earlier, liked it but traded it away in a tough swap (you know how it is when you really want something and start offering things you'd rather keep to get it? That's what happened there). Now I have it back in a partial bottle, thanks to a lovely recent swap. Niiice. I generally take a skeptical view of any scent with a floral-sounding description, but for me this scent is redeemed by its lovely vanilla notes.


Old love betrayed: BPAL's Shub-Niggurath. Love the fragrance, dislike the name. I had forgotten how wonderful this scent is on me, and put my bottle up for sale in a frenzy of de-stashing. Just as I had decided to re-test it from an imp and rediscovered its total wonderfulness, a forumite swooped down on the bottle and wanted to buy it. I couldn't say "no" without feeling like a jerk so... now I need more *cough* SN. Here's hoping I find some again soon.


As mentioned in the latest post under Quest for Chocolate, I just had the pleasure of testing a Dark Chocolate Cream soy wax tart by Wylde Ivy. Oh, my! I will be interested in trying more of their tarts fragrances, and I wonder if they have DCC in wearable form as well...


Uh-oh... I just made the mistake of checking out WI's site for possible fragrances... erm... I'll wrap this up for now because I've got... er... things to do (yes, that's the ticket). Bye for now!

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