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BPAL Madness!
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My 8-17 order should come today!


I ordered three imp packs because things were really stressful. That's a good reason, right?


The first imp pack is 6 Ars Draconis scents: Dragon's Blood, Dragon's Eye, Dragon's Milk, Dragon's Reverie, Dragon's Tears, and Ladon.


I've only tried one AD scent so far and that's Dragon's Musk, which I love. Dragons are my favorite fantasy creatures, so the AD category is one I'm very interested in.


The other two imp packs are scents I want because they remind me of Neil Gaiman's Endless:


Death -- Dance of Death, Twilight

Delirium -- Delirium, Mania

Desire -- Desire, Hunger

Despair -- Ode on Melancholy

Destiny -- Miskatonic University

Destruction -- The Great Sword of War, Antony

Dream -- Languor, Oneiroi


I hope I like all of them.


I was going to wear The Sportive Sun today since it's the last day of August but I decided against it since it's an LE and I only have one bottle. So, I'm wearing Faith. :wub2:

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