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Divided, We Fall

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Snarky's feeling very torn today.


The house inspection was mostly good, with a few somewhat glaring Need-to-Fix-Before-Moving-In issues (leaky faucets, bad wiring).


She and The Mister have been left to marinate in the juices of an extremely thorough inspection report and whatever else that $1000 got them until Thursday evening, when they will meet with their agent to discuss any addendums to their offer.


Since another offer for $20,000 more is waiting in the wings, odds are the sellers will simply back out of the deal and move on to the next fish. Snarky is working hard to be OK with this, even though she's spent the last week mentally placing furniture and having Special Moments in every nook and cranny of this house.


She took over seventy pictures of the place during the inspection, for goodness sakes.


On the upside, her boobies have been deemed perfectly healthy (if maybe just a wee bit lopsided) and she is fairly confident that her lovely "modesty mole"'s (by which she used to determine the level of raciness of various necklines) biopsy will also come back clean.


Snarky was going to extoll the benefits of an anxiety based weight loss plan... but she just succumbed to the siren call of chocolate chip cookies, so apparently that point is not only moot, but revoked.

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Yay for healthy boobies! Boo for people with more money!

Good luck whichever way the cards fall.

And if they fall the wrong way, maybe that just means that there is a house way awesome-r out there just waiting for Snarky ;)

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Yay for healthy boobies! Boo for people with more money!

Good luck whichever way the cards fall.

And if they fall the wrong way, maybe that just means that there is a house way awesome-r out there just waiting for Snarky ;)


Snarky is nodding in agreement. Still, her tummy's sort of wonky now. She's trying to Zen out this morning.

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No house can be as awesome as Snarky's healthy boobies! ;)


I'm glad that the boobie status is copacetic and I'm sure the "modesty mole" will be the same.


I hope your appetite returns, soon. Valentina meditates and does all the Zen stuff and still gets a wonky tummy. If you're anything like me, it will return with a vengeance and you will sit down to a repast that would make a starving farmhand blush.

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No house can be as awesome as Snarky's healthy boobies! ;)


I'm glad that the boobie status is copacetic and I'm sure the "modesty mole" will be the same.


I hope your appetite returns, soon. Valentina meditates and does all the Zen stuff and still gets a wonky tummy. If you're anything like me, it will return with a vengeance and you will sit down to a repast that would make a starving farmhand blush.


Snarky is surrounded by the carcasses of various snack crackers now, but she is feeling better. ;)


Mister Snark is coming by after work for a drive-by of a Plan B house. Tomorrow night they meet with the buyer agent to write up addendums and hope for the best. Snarky is still torn as to whether "the best" means "offer still accepted" or "walk away and keep looking".

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