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Let's see how long this little venture lasts

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Well, let's see, I absolutely suck at journalling and my spare time is slim, so I'm sure this blog is going to go on 4-EVA!!1!eleven! Oh boy, I'm going update every night and tell all my friends!


yeeeeokay. Well, even if it lasts all of five minutes, it'll at least be nice to be able to vent somewhere and not worry that I'm thread-jacking or imposing on anyone to read my innanities. And plus, I can ramble on about scent stuff and people will have a clue about what the hell I'm talking about.


Like Hades. My obsession with it has grown to somewhat frightening proportions. At first, I thought "hm! Smells pretty nice. I think I'll keep it around for when I'm getting my sleek-ass hipster thang on." Then, I started wearing it more and more. I think the exotic and atypical nature of a lot of the notes kept attracting me, because who wouldn't like to say "Oh, it has black narcissus, stephanotis, opoponax, labdanum, onycha and ambergris in it. Yeah, those are some of my favorites." when someone asks what you're wearing? Freaking hard core, that's what it is.


Anyway, now it's become a total obsession. I'm all "Hades in the morning, Hades in the evening, Hades at supper-time!" And it's kind of making my boyfriend's eyes water because I can barely smell it on me anymore and keep on dowsing myself in it. I dunno, it's become sort of "The Boyfriend" scent because, while it doesn't necessarily capture "me" it makes me feel like Pluto himself's got my back. Meanwhile, all sort of pretty scents have been feeling lonely and neglected. Damn you, Velveteen Rabbit for manipulating me as a child and making me feel guilty for not loving all of my posessions equally! Damn your velvety, sob story hide! :twisted:


My obsession with it has spiked recently partly because I've been toying with the idea of going all-out and making it my one and only scent, so when someone thinks of me, they'll think that smell. So I've been wearing it a lot just to see if I can't get it to drive me crazy. That and I've been looking around other places to find opoponax in blends that have full suites of bath stuff, so I could fall in love with them and have an easier time of it. But all the other places I've found it (okay, just Ava Luxe, really) treat the opoponax sweetly, making sweet, somewhat smokey blends. Don't get me wrong, I love Opoponax Intense, but I think I like the use of cypress in Hades to give it that dangerous, sacred smell. Dog only knows since I don't like cypress or cedar in anything else. But, of course, commitment like that scares the crap out of me right now, and I'm a little concerned with how much I want to concentrate on a scent that doesn't personify me as much as a phantom "other."


At the heart of my concern is that, if I were to try the scent that was the absolute most "me" it could be, I'd turn my nose up at it and instead grasp at scents that are more "someone else." And that prospect saddens me.


Or I could just be worrying over a whole heap of nothing, so I'll sign off with a funny math joke I read recently:


Two mathematicians are eating together at a diner, and they wind up arguing over how much mathematics the average person knows - one believes that most people have a reasonable knowledge, while the other thinks most people are incredibly ignorant when it comes to mathematics. While the second mathematician is in the restroom, the first decides to have a little fun to argue his point so he calls a waitress over and tells her "In a few minutes, I'm going to call you over again and ask you a question, and the answer will be 'One-third x cubed'. Can you remember that for me?"

"One thir dex cube," she says.

"One-third x cubed," he corrects her.

"One third ex cube," she repeats, and leaves.

When the second mathematician returns, the first one calls to the waitress and asks her "Waitress, what is the integral of x squared?" She replies "one-third x cubed," and then turns to walk away, but then calls over her shoulder "plus a constant!"

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