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I'm having a "I'm right, you're wrong" moment about this moving thing as far as how dad assumed it would go.


He's under the impression, as I said in the How Are You Feeling thread, that getting a work permit is going to be some kind of cakewalk for me.


It isn't.


Not only do I have to go up there to hunt out a job, get a letter stating I have the job, and submit an application for the permit, but there's just...ugh. The business I work for has to prove out that they cannot find a Canadian to fill the position I'm applying for. Not only that, they also have to prove out that the job market projections (simplified version, really) states that this is an okay thing to do. And they have to pay a laundry list of fees to accomplish all of this, so if for some reason my work permit is denied, they've just spun their wheels wasting all sorts of time trying to fill the position when...


...they could've just hired a Canadian.


Anyone else seeing where the cards are really stacked against me on this one?


Oh, and if I wanted to come in under the Skilled Worker classification, there's at least a two plus year lag time on applications, according to the CIC website. 80% of cases get finalized in 30 months. Not that it would matter, as I'm three points off from the lowest number of points you can have (67) to come in under this header. I'm also pretty sure that my skill levels aren't as up to par as I'd need them to be to...you see where this is going. It's just not something that's feasible.


So that leaves the marriage option. Which is what my intended and I are hoping to do as soon as humanly frickin' possible in the first place. It's more complex than simply getting hitched and waltzing across the border. It's never, ever that simple. Which is fine, since I think I understand this process a bit more than all of the other stuff, anyway. Not that this says much, as my brain's kind of lacking anything beyond a basic "durr" response at the moment. :)


Now we just need to, oh, I don't know...break it gently to her folks that we got back together, and that we're intending on getting married within the next year. I also have to sit my dad down and tell him that no, I am not kidding, as I'm pretty sure it hasn't settled in with him as more than something I've mentioned in passing. It won't surprise me to find out he's taking a nice cruise down denial, really.


Anyone got any tips for how to deal with the inevitable "WHAT?!" response we're likely to get from her parents?

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