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A Full Dance Card

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Some of her distractions are also things from which she wanted to be distracted in the first place, though they tend to fall solidly on the "stess" side of the stress/eustress delineation.


Still, she feels better knowing that her days are filled with deadlines and potential outcomes.


Thanks to the forum, she's got Spring Switch Witch, Year-Long Deco books, and a brewing craft-for-smellies swappathon to distract her from the ongoing house saga (a frothy mix of one part stress to one part eustress mixed together with the swizzle stick of sticker shock) and upcoming followup mammogram.


Mister Snark has been wondefully calm and supportive on both all-consuming, thought and time-stealing topics. She's a bit frightened to find that she is losing her memory of a time without him. Her vaunted (and often cursed) independence harumphs and settles down on the sidelines.


She's layered LUSH's Skinny Dip buttercreme with Faustus to give herself a violet-tinged boost of assertiveness. They will get that house. And she will be healthy, whole, uncorrupted.

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As a woman whose commitment to independence has also been calling in sick on a regular basis, Natalia feels Darkity's pain.


Natalia is also going through a difficult and stressful time, and has suddenly found herself surprisingly willing to hand all housekeeping and sanity-maintaining duities to her companion. And he, though usually a bit of a slob, has risen admirably to the occation. Natalia suspects he secretly preens about being so useful.

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Every bit of good luck for darkity that valentina can possible conjure up is being sent your way. ;)


;) Snarky appreciates this, as well as valentina's indirect warning to all against wearing loosely elastic-waisted panties around uniformed men. Murphy's Law, and all that.


As a woman whose commitment to independence has also been calling in sick on a regular basis, Natalia feels Darkity's pain. ... snip... Natalia suspects he secretly preens about being so useful.


Snarky suspects that Mister Snarky is also getting his hero complex stroked a bit during this trying time. Sometimes the independent wimmen types have to allow for some vulnerability to keep some sort of balance with the partner types. (Even if it was that very same independence that attracted said mates in the first place.)


Perhaps Snarky is just indulging her (way deep down inner) pretty pretty princess as well. :dons tiara, stomps bejeweled slipper:

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