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Thee Master List

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And so, I basically open this blog (which just gives me yet another place to write, yipes) with a list of what I've tried and if I like/didn't like it. I'm trying to keep track, and this seems pretty much the logical place to do so, yes?



13, Absinthe, Beaver Moon, Black Opal, Black Lotus, Brimstone, Brisingamen, Chiroptera, Coyote, Devil's Night '05, Dublin, Fallen, Grog, Hades, Hunger, Jazz Funeral, Juke Joint, Lady MacBeth, Lampades, The Lion, Lilith, London, Midway, Shill, Swank, Two Five & Seven


Didn't Like

Akuma, Amsterdam, Baron Samedi, Bayou, Casanova, Crossroads, Dragon's Musk, Dragon's Tears, Eden, Euterpe, Hell's Belle, Hellfire, Juliet, Kyoto, Languor, Lightning, Lolita, Loralei, Lucy's Kiss, New Orleans, Santo Domingo, Shanghi, Suspiro, The Coiled Serpent, Vice




Next up: revamping the wish list based on what I've tried. Lord, that'll take forever.


Might as well ask -- can anyone please recommend things based on my "Likes" list? I just get overwhelmed trying to find stuff based on notes...


Oh yeah, I just got in on a decant of Monster Bait: Closet! Woo! Hopefully it'll come in before my birthday; I need to know if I want it before 5/1, and my birthday is 5/5 so guess who's ordering in April...!

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