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Colds are TehSux

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So I woke up this morning feeling as though I had been run over by a bus. Blegh. Thought maybe I had just not slept very well but it turns out I have a cold. Headache, sore throat, sniffles, body aches...the whole shebang. I've been drinking lots of EmergenC and TheBoy made some tasty soup for me for dinner, with lots of garlic. He's a nice Boy. :blink:


Spent a lot of the day on the couch, perusing the forum and the Spectra.net forum that I just joined. Mmmmm...MAC makeup goodness.


I hope I feel better tomorrow. I hate being sick. I'm one of those people who feels guilty relaxing and resting even when I'm supposed to, like when I'm sick. It makes me restless.


PS: The rain can stop anytime now...I'd like to put in a vote for some nice sunshiny springtime weather...if any of the weather gods/goddess are listening.

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