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Peculiar pinup art

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As someone who loves vintage pinup girl art and underwear, this homage to the peculiar illustrations of Art Frahm never fails to draw a titter:




"The Shakedown" is my favorite. The illustration alone is absurdly Freudian, and the description of it as being from Frahm's "Edward Hopper period" are spot on, although Hopper is probably rolling in his grave.


OK, I just channel-surfed past the Home Shopping Network or QVC, or one of those channels, and they were selling some skank-ho trashy platform sandals that had a peculiar "Carmen Miranda goes to Africa" vibe to them. And they were $150. You know 50ish fat ladies will be tottering around in them, their tubby little toes with toenails pained orange (and always long toenails, because they're too fat to trim them properly) spread wide from the tonnage inflicted upon them from being placed at such an odd angle. Christ, these shoes wouldn't be cute on you adorable young things with really cute feet and skinny little legs. You'd look like you were wearing cement blocks on your feet that were painted in a black-and-white tribal design.


Wouldn't it be great to have a goth home shopping network? Or just to have a few good goth merchants show up on QVC? Beth and Puddin' could do a BPAL and BPTP segment. I would pay good money to see it and of course would spend money like a drunken sailor.

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Hahahahaha! That's my favorite of his fallen panties illustrations (though now I can't remember if he even has any that don't have fallen panties). I especially love how the bus driver is looking in the mirror. I'm so glad the weather is getting warmer, so I'll actually want to wear skirts again, because I can't remember the last time I had the thrill of my panties falling down on the bus! ;)

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I wish someone with some artistic talent and a twisted mind would do an Art Frahm-inspired illustration of a Scotsman in a kilt with his wee knickers around his ankles. The name of the piece could be called "He's Regimental Now!!"

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Only if they're wee lacy pink knickers. ;) I may just happen to know someone who can make your pin-up kilt scenario come true.


Wee lacy pink knickers, but instead of a rosette on the front, there would be a little thistle...


If you made that scenario come true, it could be the label art for Monster Under My Kilt... a lusty highland musk!


I would also declare you to be She Who Makes Twisted Dreams Come True!

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Okay, this may not be quite what you had in mind, but I'm more of a photoshop dabbler than master ;)




And if that's not titillating enough, I also found this guy for you ;)



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I worked late yesterday, came home feeling really tired, went to bed early. This morning, got out of bed, made coffee, staggered to the computer and OMFG!!! ;) ;) ;)




My friend Ron (who kind of likes the boys in their skirts) must see this. The look of utter rapture will indescribable!

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Glad you like them! ;)


Can't decide whether to make a Monster Bait icon out of the second one or go for your Monster in my Kilt idea...

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Your Glasgow icon is lovely, but maybe you need another one? However, if Beth ever did a Monster Bait scent with a distinctly male emphasis, there needs to be bait that lures the monster away, so it doesn't get 'neath the kilt and yank down the wee bonny knickers!


However, if a monster wanted to get under Ewan McGregor's kilt and yank down his knickers, or blow up his kilt if he's going regimental, then maybe I want that monster to do her thing... ;)

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