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BPAL Madness!
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Stuffs for the Witch...should you be interested.

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I've just been think of things that would make my day and aren't really things you buy... If you feel so inclined.


-Mail. I loooove mail. Be it postcards or letters or whatever. Whenever it's got my name on it (with no bill inside) my day gets better!


-Recipes. I don't cook right now (Ramen doesn't count), but I'll have a full kitchen in college (these dorms rock my world) and I'd like to be able to use it. I like to make brownies and baking type stuff, but our oven is broken at present. But if you have any yummy, easyish recipes hanging around...


-And I had more but I've forgotten them. Oh, well. Life Advice. College advice. Whatever advice. I pretty much could always use it.

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