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BPAL Madness!
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Dudes. My mom called and was mad at me becuase I missed one of her calls! I was out getting lunch and left my cell phone in my apartment by mistake. I didn't check it when I got back so I had no idea she even called in the first place. Also, she is mad at me because I've decided to stay at my apartment after I took my last exam and start packing a bit (we're moving out Saturday), instead of returning home right away. I can't stand this. This is completely ridiculous, and I have no idea how I'm gonna live with her for 2-3 months when I move back home (my lease wasn't renewed because they're renovating etc).


Also, a couple weeks ago, I transfered $8,000 from my savings to hers becuase she wanted her account to look good (she's applying for to own part of a franchise). She wasn't going to use it, it's just gonna sit there until they/she gets all the papers in order and then she'll transfer it back. Well, it's been a couple weeks, and it's still not back in my account. I don't think she'll actually use it/steal it, but I'd like my savings back now please. I'll ask her about it in a subtle way, after she stops being pissed at me for no reason. It was going to be my "Texas" money (which brings me to my next issue).


My bf of more than two years might be moving to Texas (or Ohio) depending on if he gets the internship (residency?) he wants after he's done with med school (spring '08). I refuse to do long distance relationship that is MD to Texas long, so most likely I'll be moving with him. I won't be living with him, but I'll get a job and an apartment in the area. I'm kind of looking forward to it, so I can get away and become more independent of my parents. This is my issue. My parents are super conservative and overprotective to the extreme. I cannot imagine how they are going to react when I tell them. In fact, this is the thing that I worry about the most. It seems that every serious conversation we have, ends with them yelling at me, becoming angry, and me in tears. I'm 24, and I can't believe I'm still in this situation with them. :huh?: What should I do? How do I tell them?

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Just wanted to say :eek: and I know how you feel! I fight with my mother when I'm at home too. I'm afraid I don't have any experience or advice to offer you, but your parents will still love and respect you even when you think you've disappointed them. Suddenly blurting out that you're moving to a new state won't help matters, explain to them that you need new opportunities in life and independence, and bring into that the fact that you're moving.


Just my 2c :hug:


Good luck!

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