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BPAL Madness!
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RAMBLINGS possibly rated "R"

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O.K., let's get one thing clear; I came out of the closet YEARS ago. Right in front of EVERYBODY.

My staff, clients, Mom, adopted daughter, next door shopkeeper, suppliers, the whole shebang.

I told them, loud and proud;

I'm here,


get used to it.

................It took about 5 seconds for everyone to shrug their shoulders and say, "yeah, so?"........

And I thought it was a big deal to come out of the closet.

I don't have any closets.

Maybe I will try another subject next time I come out.

Maybe that I became a Christian.

That could create a little excitement, considering my "oh so bad girl" past.

Or that I don't like clowns in any form or fashion. They scare me for some reason.


AHHHHH< I KNOW what to come out with next!

The guy I am supposed to marry? I am not ready for it. Might never be. How's that for a screamer :boogie: . ==========================================================================

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You agree, through your use of this service, that you will not use this Blog system to post any material which is knowingly false and/or defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing, obscene, profane, sexually oriented, threatening, invasive of a person's privacy, or otherwise violative of any law.


Now, what fun is that? What if you don't know you are being inaccurate or profane?

Didn't George Carlin do a bit in the seventies about the words you couldn't say on T.V?

That's not a valid list anymore anywhere, is it? And the certain words you could say in one way, but not another? Something about pricking your finger...

Ok, I understand not threatening, hateful (although I have seen some of that on the forum threads), harassing, illegal, but it IS a blog, which could mean a little levity would be nice. You know, let off a little steam?

And all the above listed may be one thing to one person, and another thing totally to another.

Am I being a rabble rouser? Sorry. Guess I will get another warning (BAD GIRL!! baad baad!!).

Maybe I could put a rating on my blog, like the movies. PG for the kiddies, R for the adults, X for someone elses' blog.



I hate being broke.

I am not used to this amount of brokeness.

I am not good at poor.

I am good at giving things to people. I enjoy making people smile.

I can't do this at this level.

It is very depressing.


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