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Sleeping Paralysis

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Am I the only one that this happens to?


Sometimes when I wake up, I can't move. Or I can move imperfectly. I'll be awake and conscious inside my head, screaming at my body to forget getting up, just move my fingers properly, and they just won't. Sometimes I can't move at all, oftentimes I can kind of flop around -- like I'll be able to shift my arm a little bit, but forget fine motor control, and moving anything major is out of the question. Oftentimes I have some degree of control over my head -- I can turn my neck, but occasionally I have imperfect control over parts of my face, so I either can't open my eyes properly or it's a struggle to close my mouth. It doesn't happen often, but although it's been happening since I was about nine it still creeps me out every time. It lasts anywhere from ten or fifteen seconds to, on one memorable occasion, about a minute and a half. Usually what happens is I have to focus on the part of the body I can move, and make it move as much as I can, which will often increase slightly with time -- and then all of a sudden I'll manage to jerk it particularly far, and my control will come flooding back again all at once.


I wonder what this is?

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I remember reading about this in my psych class, actually. I think it was that your body is "disconnected" from your mind when you're sleeping (so that your body ISN'T actually punching/rolling/etc in life that you're doing in a dream). Sometimes, it takes a little longer for it get it together, so to speak.


There are ghost stories/boogeyman elements to this phenomenon: it's not uncommon for the person to feel a pressure on her chest, unable to move, with the feeling that something is watching them. (In Korea, this is called "scissors.")

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