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BPAL Madness!
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I won something! And an added bonus!

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I won a radio contest tonight!! I had to be the 5th caller (usually, I never get through) and know what #4 and #7 were on the countdown. And I did it! I won this cd:


and a Headbangers Ball poster, and pizza and Crazy Bread from Little Caesar's! :D


Only a minute or two after they played back me answer the questions, my cell phone rings... it's Brad, my big crush! He heard it and wanted to congratulate me! It's the first time he's ever called for something that didn't have to do with work. :yum:


But then, the call waiting started beeping.. it was the dj calling back to get my info, and I had to hang up with Brad. :D


I'm still giddy, though!

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So the prizes and all that jazz were nice, but Brad called you??? Woot!!! ;)


I think that was the real prize for me!! LOL


Hmm.... maybe I should find a way to invite him to listen to the cd I won....... alone... ;)

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Hmm.... maybe I should find a way to invite him to listen to the cd I won....... alone... ;)


oooh, a woman after my own heart... if either one of you have a CD player in the car, you could go driving around on a nice day and listen to it... maybe at lunch or after work....


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