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BPAL Madness!
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Livid beyond words...

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I am pissed this morning. Apparently, Someone told eBay that my auction (for Mitzvah) was a "counterfeit or unauthorized reproduction." Excuse me? Um...take a look at either one of the two pictures. It's the real thing. So then, they must think the pictures are fake - so then I want to know how they figure that. Trademark Infringement, my ass.


There are several reasons why someone may do this - rather out of spite, vendetta against me or eBay selling, price (not that I know what the bid was at last I saw it was only $12, but I was gone all evening), or what. Either way - I'm pissed because it is a sophomoric and bitchy way to handle the situation. Accuse me of Trademark Infringement, huh? How does Slander sound? Now, I feel like I need to do some sort of public announcement to inform the bidders of my other auctions of why the major one that they all were probably watching disappeared and assure them that I have been wrong accused all b/c some asshole can't use more appropriate means of expressing their issues. Grrr. At least with BPAL I do have a way that I can make such a statement.


Maybe, I am taking this too personally, but to me, this is a personal attack to my credibility. I have always try my best to be honest, straight forward, and fair - it's the damn Libra in me. It really hurts and pisses me off to have someone do this too me.


I have emailed eBay (in a much calmer manner), and I plan to follow up with them and get this sorted out. With any luck, I'll get the bottle re-listed soon. I hope that there is some sort of action that can be taken against my accuser, but I doubt there will be. Either way, I understand eBay's need to patrol and protect us from all the bogus auctions, but to just pull my auction without even checking with me or allowing me to defend myself. I would think there would be a better way...

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