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BPAL Madness!
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Home Sweet (Smelling) Home (maybe?)

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At the risk of incurring the Wrath of the Gods, Snarky wants y'all to have a peek:



The Possibly Maybe Future Chez Snark


She's already scheming where the yarn, BPAL, and LUSH stashes will go. She's going to have her own bathroom, finally! No more comingling of her "lotions and potions" (The Mister's term) with his manly toilette.


Snarky hastens to add that she decided to wear Clio today. This is another surprise imp in her ammo case that is sorta-kinda spring like (in a deep dark pathouli-ish sort of way). Also, the lavendar is helping her to remain a little more calm and clear-headed given the circumstances.

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valentina was too whacked out at work yesterday to check blogs and didn't see the possible Snark Hacienda. A lotion and potion room of snark's own is what she deserves!!! Plus the house is just cute as a bug! valentina sees many flower garden possibilities in the front yard alone...


Fingers crossed that it all becomes yours, yours, yours!!!!

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Oh my goodness! Good luck!


And remember, a stash for your yarn is paramount, above ALL ELSE!

(hee hee, "lotions and potions"...The Man calls my stuff "the 'fumes'!)

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It's adorable! You're such a girly girl with your little pink house, Snarky. ;)


Snarky is currently (mentally) scouring all vintage clothing and housegoods stores for a-line housecoats, ankle strapped t-back heels, wrist-length gloves, little ceramic canisters that say "FLOUR", "SUGAR", "TEA", etc. etc. etc.


Where she will have the money for this is still up for debate. But these things will be had! (Also the chrome and mirrored glass bar set.)

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Fingers crossed that it all becomes yours, yours, yours!!!!


Thank you, thank you, thank you! The Snarks are trying to schedule the house inspection today. The earnest money check (gulp!) went in this morning.


Oh my goodness! Good luck!


And remember, a stash for your yarn is paramount, above ALL ELSE!

(hee hee, "lotions and potions"...The Man calls my stuff "the 'fumes'!)


"The 'Fumes'"! That's classic! Like... "the vapors" or something. Yes, Mister Snark has been made fully aware of the hierarchy of unpacking: kitchen, yarn stash, toilettries, then underwear. (Don't tell Valentina!) ;)

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Mister Snark has been made fully aware of the hierarchy of unpacking: kitchen, yarn stash, toilettries, then underwear. (Don't tell Valentina!) ;)


;) You may be amazed, but I find going regimental (as the Scots like to say) to be an excellent option. In that respect, I am an everything or nothing kind of gal -- either wear divine confections or just forget 'em altogether.

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;) You may be amazed, but I find going regimental (as the Scots like to say) to be an excellent option. In that respect, I am an everything or nothing kind of gal -- either wear divine confections or just forget 'em altogether.



Oooh. I like that much better than "commando". Possibly because it has the word "mental" in it. ;)

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