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Hot Fuzz Advanced Screening!

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Friday night, the boy and I went to an advanced screening of Hot Fuzz, a comedy by the team behind Shaun of the Dead, one of my favorite movies ever, and Spaced, one of the best TV shows ever ^_^

The movie was hilarious. If you liked the type of geeky humor in Shaun of the Dead and Spaced, you'll love this move. I won't give away too much except to say that it's to action movies what Shaun of the Dead was to zombie movies.


We were so excited to not only get in (it was first come, first serve-the (free) tix didn't guarantee entrance) but get amazing seats- third row, center! Seriously, I'm convinced that Simon Pegg is my bf's heterosexual man-crush, lol.


Here are some pics (with the bf cropped out b/c he doesn't want to be on the intarwebs):


The panel L to R: Nick Frost, Edgar Wright, Simon Pegg pointing accusingly. I think this is where he answers a fan's question of "Whose idea was it to dropkick the granny?" ^_^



Me and Edgar Wright:



Me and Nick Frost who was adorable and friendly.



Me and Simon Pegg who told my bf "Hey, thanks for coming out, mate!" Fangirl squeeee!


Sorry about the gigantic pic. It won't resize and the direct link isn't working for some reason.

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Lucky grrl - getting to meet Teh Trio of Awesomeness! I loved SotD, and the trailers for HF had me doing the fangrrl squee big time - can't wait to see it! :hug:

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