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BPAL Madness!
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I got an awesome haircut from my sister. It's the shortest it's ever been in my entire life, and I really love it.


Math final tomorrow. :heart: SO. STRESSED.


Among other, more fun, less stressful things.

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What a great way to celebrate Spring! The Celebratorial Chopping of the Hair :hug:


Good luck with the maths!



I don't know how I did. There were four questions that I flat out guessed on. Four... out of 25. I have to get at least 12 right. As I've obsessively mentioned before. Sooo... yeah. My head hurts. And I'm nervous. But I'm doing okay.

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Yay for a good spring chop! So.... exactly how short are we talkin' here?


And... I hope you do alright on the maths. I hate the maths. That's why I lurve the excel spreadsheets.

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Shortest it's ever been! In the back, it's above the nape of my neck. It gets longer as you get closer to the front. I wish the difference were a little more dramatic, because it sort of looks like it was just cut a little unevenly, heh. But I still love it and I'm going to be keeping it short this summer. Hooray! And it shocked the heck out of my math class, hee.

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